From a true American patriot

by Simon 55 Replies latest social current

  • misspeaches
    Australia - yes- aren;t you all descended from British convicts?

    No was aren't ALL descended from British convicts... I'll have you know you cheeky stillajwexelder they were IRISH convicts on mum's side and british early settlers on dad's side...

  • Dan-O

    "To be honest, I do not think I am anti-American."

    Maybe you are. Maybe I've just missed all the threads in which you've said good things about our contry. Perhaps it only SEEMS as though whenever you say something about the U.S. it is said in a derrogatory manner.

    "Is America the best country on earth? No, I don't think so. I don't think there IS a "best country" as they are all different, each with good points and bad points."

    No one here has said that the U.S. is perfect, to my knowledge. We're human, after all. And that means we still have a ways to go in making our society better, from a number of angles. On the other hand, I think we do have the best available set of opportunities and the best possible country in which to live. Lord knows we have a huge number of people wanting to cross our borders each year, whether legally or illegally.

    People from many nations see the U.S. as THE place to be, and come here to seek their fortune. Perhaps it's not such a bad place, after all.

  • doofdaddy

    MS Peaches is a cheeky bugger

    You forgot us cranky Scots who had enough of starving in the 19th century and headed for god's country. No, we didn't get a "free" ticket compliments of the British Gov., we were free settlers!!!

  • under74
    An outsider who has never lived here or paid taxes here or contributed anything worthwhile to America is more like some newbie who has made no posts suddenly criticizing Simon for how things are run.

    No...six is right. We aren't an isolationist country. When our government has it's hands in the affairs of other countries and it affects every corner of the world...everyone in the world has a right to voice their opinion.

  • roybatty
    Simon's point about people all over the world having every right to criticise the US president, as they are very much affected by his policies/actions, tax payed or no, is a good one.

    I have no problem at all with people being critical of the U.S., Bush, Ric, Cheney, etc....What I get tired of hearing is JUST the negative. So you think the war in Iraq was a stupid idea, ok, cool, no problem but what would YOU do? What is your solution to Iran? North Korea?

    So many people here say that they are against war and thus have this need to bash Bush or the U.S. But when was the last time these same people wrote their own government about the trouble in Northern Ireland or Sudan?

    Bash the U.S. all you want but don't later say you're not anti-American.

  • under74
    Bash the U.S. all you want but don't later say you're not anti-American.

    How can I be anti-American? I was born and raised here. There's much I love about this country but I've made comments (not just here but in daily life) critical of the Bush administration and promptly told I'm "un-patriotic" "anti-american" "traitor."

    By the way...I write my congress reps and senators it's seems like every month....but when you get flip replies from these jackasses about how they "understand the concern about Dafur (sp?) but it's not brought up in any of the committees I'm part of" or "the wall in Israel should be built to protect themselves from terrorists" or my favorite "I voted for the Defense Of Marriage Act because I think as a Catholic marraige should only happen between a man and a woman" you tend to lose faith in these jerks--these comments were from Democrats in Washington State and so-called liberals that I voted for because they were good liars when they were running for office.

  • upside/down

    The achilles heal of American the freedom for morons to hire lawyers to water down anything and everything... so that cults like the WTS can capitalize on the "sad state of affairs".

    Our "rights" are biting us in the ass...and no I don't have the answers...

    And a society run by a society with NO ALL areas of life...

    Thus the American society will continue to slowly rot from within...till the "producers" have had enough and take up arms against "the oppresor"...and the "takers"... Nature will demand it all balances out eventually...

    Yet...American society is still the envy of the world...sorta, kinda...

    u/d (of the without'd only have the French to bitch about)

    p.s.- Reminds me of two songs...both by RUSH..."The Trees" & "New World Man"...anyone here agree?

  • flower
    No...six is right. We aren't an isolationist country. When our government has it's hands in the affairs of other countries and it affects every corner of the world...everyone in the world has a right to voice their opinion.

    So since Simon originally made the comparison... if everyone who is affected by our countries governmental decisions is allowed to voice their opinion, then why isnt ANYone who is affected by the decisions made here allowed to voice their opinion?

    Rule number 11 clearly forbids anyone from disagreeing with any decision made here. (everyone who has followed that rule and pm'd and/or emailed their concerns knows that they almost always go unanswered so that is not an option)

    If were making comparisons, then why doesnt any foreigner who wants to disagree with how this country is run send an email or PM to the president and not post publically about it. You'll probably get more of a response than you would if you bring up a valid problem here.

  • Caedes

    I think the way in which any criticism of America is jumped on by some Americans is rather reminiscent of the way my step-dad used to jump on anything I used to say as a kid about 'the truth'.

    At the end of the day America has a lot to say about the running of other countries so it's citizens should be little surprised that their over-reaching power is of very immediate concern to the citizens of those other countries. After all isn't freedom of speech one of the founding principles of the constitution of the United States?

  • roybatty
    Bash the U.S. all you want but don't later say you're not anti-American.

    How can I be anti-American? I was born and raised here. There's much I love about this country but I've made comments (not just here but in daily life) critical of the Bush administration and promptly told I'm "un-patriotic" "anti-american" "traitor."

    Under -

    I was addressing your defense of Simon. And I shouldn't say he's "anti-American" but rather "anti-America".

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