From a true American patriot

by Simon 55 Replies latest social current

  • damselfly

    Simon ~ I've heard Alberta is freezing in the winter, but you'll be so close to Vancouver and Victoria island. They have rain in the winter and that's about it.

    So you want to be a snowbird do you? Did you know they're mostly retired senior citizens?


  • Simon
    Simon ~ I've heard Alberta is freezing in the winter, but you'll be so close to Vancouver and Victoria island. They have rain in the winter and that's about it.

    Rain huh? ... it will be just like being in Manchester !

    So you want to be a snowbird do you? Did you know they're mostly retired senior citizens?

    I can live with that. I already shout at the TV a lot ...

  • damselfly
    I can live with that. I already shout at the TV a lot ...

    Well done. Now just practise saying "Eh? speak up now." and always have a hanky in your pocket with peppermints and you'll do just fine.


  • confusedjw

    "We all sit for the portrait that people paint of us."

    If enough of our associates say we come across in a certain way - while we may not feel that way - we should at least check to see why we appear that way in their eyes.

    If your manner in expressing your views about America has left the collective with a distinct impression, then that is your portrait. At least for the moment, but it's dynamic.

    I don't think I know any American that feels it's wrong to point out or complain about American Society or Government. How it's done reveals the sentiment behind complaint. After all not all complaints are equal.

  • Simon
    If enough of our associates say we come across in a certain way - while we may not feel that way - we should at least check to see why we appear that way in their eyes.

    If your manner in expressing your views about America has left the collective with a distinct impression, then that is your portrait.

    Thanks. However, if enough people who didn't like that you stood up for certain things decided to gang together and all call you the same thing, it wouldn't make it true.

    You have to be careful listening to vocal people with an axe to grinde and base your opinion on what I actually say and not what I'm alleged to have said. What matters is the reasons I give for saying something, not the reaon that someone else may want to portray.

  • flower

    Many people, like myself are not at all happy with the state of affairs in America. We don't pretend everything is hunky-dorey and that there is no room for improvement. We do speak out for change and for improvements. We didn't vote for the babbling bafoon in office. Not everyone in this country is a blind fool as has been implied by your past comments (which are always conveniently deleted when they were legitimately criticized). Not everyone who finds your sometimes crude statements about our country offensive are offended because we are content to wave flags and say "were the best" regardless of whats going on around us.

    Unfortunately yes there are some people like that, most of them right now seem to have crawled back under their rocks for the time being. But you seem to put that label on ANYone who feels your remarks are out of line and poorly timed.

    I am not offended by your remarks because I am blind to the legitimacy of some of the problems you bring up, I am offended by them because without compassion or respect for the people who ARE totally frustrated with our government and who DO speak out about it, you take every opportunity to stand on the outside and criticize the entire country and its people...even going so far as to say things like 'thank god i'm not american' or 'no wonder the jw's cult took root in america'. Those comments and others like them which you have made do not criticize or degrade the American government which is failing, they degrade me as a human being and as an American citizen and that is why I take offense to you. It has nothing to do with my supporting the travesty that is the government at this time.

    Constantly and whenever we are in a state of emergency or some other crisis is going on you take the opportunity to hand out the criticism without prefacing your remarks to make it clear specifically which people in the country you are criticizing.

    Is that how you are as a human being? If your kid sneaks into an off limits part of the house and gets into something he isnt supposed to and cuts or stabs himself, do you take that opportunity, while he lay crying and bleeding on the floor to berate him for it being his own fault or do you rush to him to see what you can do to help him.

    And another thing..If someone makes a legitamate statement about anything over and over and over again you get to the point where you dont even want to hear what they have to say regardless of how legit. You just want them to shut the hell up.

    Unfortunately sometimes no one can make someone shut the hell up because that person runs the company, or the country or the message board.

  • flower
    You have to be careful listening to vocal people with an axe to grinde and base your opinion on what I actually say and not what I'm alleged to have said. What matters is the reasons I give for saying something, not the reaon that someone else may want to portray.

    That statement would make a lot more sense if you didnt delete all your posts that people criticize.

  • roybatty
    People have made claims that I am Anti-American for expressing dissatisfaction about American foreign policy or dismay at the ills of American socity.

    IMO my impression is that you are anti-American (not that I care). I say this because whenever there is something negative if the news about the U.S., you are many times the first one to post something about it.

    I believe others countries do certain things better then the U.S. but I do believe the U.S. is the best country in the world, just as I would expect others to feel that their respected countries are the best.

  • jeeprube

    I think some of us Americans take offense when Europeans ridicule us for a few reasons. First, you're not American and therefore your opinion matters little to us. Americans find most Europeans to be a tad condesending. We realize that we've only been a country for 200+ years, and you guys have been around for centuries. But in our short history we have accomplished more than you. How many British, or French people have stood on the Moon? If it wasn't for America the Brits and French would all be speaking German right now.

    I think that's where most of the animosity in America towards Europe comes from right now. We shed our blood on your shores to stop Hitler. Now that we ask for you guys to return the favor, most of you won't (with exception of the British, God bless em!).

  • Insomniac

    As I've said before, I love my land and my people enough that it breaks my heart every time our government lets us down. So, I'm as likely to criticize the US govt. as anyone else. But it's true, Simon, that every once in a while, you seem to lose some of your usual diplomacy and tact when talking about the US, occasionally causing some hurt feelings. It may be helpful to realize that many of us don't agree with our government's policies and actions, and many of us don't consider that guy in office to be our leader. Often, we're just as horrified as you by what we see in the news. So, try to be clear who it is you're criticizing- the citizens, or the current regime.

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