Why the Mainstream Media's reluctance to publish WTS vs Quotes battle?

by EscapedLifer1 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • EscapedLifer1

    We were unable to generate any interest the first go-around with the WTS threatening Quotes, and now it seems the mainstream media is for the most part ignoring us again.

    I have also sent out numerous releases and letters to local media outlets (newspaper, TV, etc.) prior to a number of District Conventions, and never got any kind of response nor did I ever see anything anything printed or broadcast except the "fluff" pieces they do about the convention, baptism, drama, blah, blah. After reading several local articles, from several different cities, reciting how much $$$$ the conventions bring to each city, I have a feeling that, at least these cases regarding the DC's, the media doesn't want to go after a large contributor to the local economy.

    But, what about this case, the lawsuit against Quotes? Is it just that the WTS is considered such a marginal fringe group to most that most journalists don't consider this a story?

    thoughts, anyone?


  • Finally-Free
    Is it just that the WTS is considered such a marginal fringe group to most that most journalists don't consider this a story?

    I think that's what it is. The JWs are significant to us because we were involved with them. To most of the world they're about as important as a fleabite.


  • undercover

    A story about a religious body suing a former member for using copyrighted material isn't sensational enough. When you've got a war going on, terrorists/insurgents blowing shit up, hurricanes swamping major cities (and another one making landfall today), federal screwups in disaster relief, who cares about a fringe religious group seeking legal damages against a disgruntled member?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Could asking the same journalists who are reporting on the child abuse cases be effective?

  • mrsjones5

    It's not a sexy story, meaning that the media doesnt think that this story is going to interest the greater public.

  • Joker10

    Because nobody gives a s*** about Watchtower. 'Quotes' is not good material.

  • Leolaia

    1) It's the "mainstream media", (2) The story is provincial, of interest mainly to religious minorities, (3) the various "press releases", despite good intentions, imho are not phrased entirely in a journalistic style, (4) the mainstream media outlets pick up their stories usually from the "wire" (e.g. Associated Press, UPI, etc.) and this story has not yet entered it....

  • Bstndance

    "If it bleeds it leads" and "sex sells" are the two things that get stories on the news.

    "A Current Affair", a nationally syndicated show does stories on coverups and sex scandals... Maybe Slient Lambs can get their attention?

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    try the daily show with jon stewart

  • inquirer

    To most people, the JW's are nothing of importance.

    There are a few splinter groups of Bible Students these days and deny they came from Jehovah's Witnesses. No one cares about them! If it wasn't for the Internet, I would not have known that they still exist!

    Really, people only talk about really major groups like Catholics and Anglicans... because they are so flaming big! Everyone knows about them! They have 100's of millions of members to their faiths. And most of the time, even then they talk about paedophiles, loss of membership which is all negative, anyway. JW's are about as popular as baked beans! Look at 99% of the people on this message thread and in the media too!

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