addiction and it's effects

by colorado5591 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • JH

    I love everything about internet.

    I don't consider myself addicted, because I could leave anytime. If I'm here, its because I want to be.

  • aphina_pieta

    well you make a very valid point. now with the internet pornography has become more accessable. i actually have experienced will simmilar experences.i would say just try and see if they know they have a problem or if they know and are willing to seek treatment. then you should go from there.

  • mrsjones5

    My Hubby likes porn (hell I like to look at porn sometimes). Hubby even likes to look at naughty pic on the web, but he is addicted to me

  • daystar
    Dams ( better then porn )

    Shall we print up your business cards now?

  • trevor

    “Pornography has become readily available in a variety of formats including online, print and video. Many consider it a harmless form of entertainment, but it's actually not at all benign. The rush experienced when first viewing pornography lures many into a pattern of addiction that becomes increasingly difficult to break away from.

    Like other addictions, this one comes with a hefty price tag, potentially costing your marriage, your self-worth, and your ability to function in healthy real-life relationships.

    What's wrong with pornography?

    Pornography creates a strong physiological response in men and women. After the immediate “rush” of a first exposure to pornography, similar types of visual stimuli produce increasingly weaker physiological responses. This law of diminishing returns often prompts individuals to seek edgier and darker forms of pornography in an attempt to repeat their initial rush.

    Viewing pornography with your spouse doesn’t make it right. Pornography may seem to enhance your sexual pleasure at first, but it won't enhance your lovemaking. It actually cuts at the very heart of marital intimacy. “

  • mrsjones5

    ok where did you cut and paste that from? Nevermind I found it.

  • FlyingHighNow
    How does this impact our sexual, emotional, and romantic relationships and how can the non-addicted partner cope with any feelings of deception and betrayal?

    When your partner feels it is forbidden to do this, even when your partner forbids it himself, the appeal can often be from giving into something forbidden. Above all, don't take it personally. People get addicted to the rush of endorphins, more so than the actual pictures. And if they venture into cyber, it's often more for the approval they feel they are getting than the titillation of it all. It's more complicated than them being more attracted or excited by other naked people. There's a lot of info on line about this.

  • LittleToe

    ROFL - that has to be out of the AWAKE!

    Yup, viewing porn leads people to rape, paedophilia and even homosexuality...


  • FlyingHighNow
    Everything was fine until he got drunk one night and slept with his bm.

    what is bm?

    jstalin, guys aren't the only gender who masturbates frequently.

    From then on he'll just hide it and lie if you ask about it. Is that what you want?

    Just my 2 cents.

    Yes, and he'll actually become more addicted because it's forbidden.

  • trevor
    trevor - 17k

    Just snatched it off the web. I am unable to comment of my own volition as I am as pure as the driven snow.

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