Will Bush change his view on global warming now

by ballistic 52 Replies latest jw friends


    Bush dosen`t believe there is globel warming...DUH!!....The earth was much warmer than it is now ,during the 14th century...OUTLAW

  • doofdaddy

    I watched a program last night on this very issue. Arguements went for and against. I must say that ice drilling has proved that this is unique in world history (huge carbon dioxide bubbles the last 30 yrs), well 100.000 yrs anyway, opposite to an above poster.

    Anyhow the final point was whoever is correct or not the ice is melting all over the planet. The oceans are rising as a lot of ice is sitting on the ground. You follow? Ice that is in water displaces its own volume but ice on land...e.g. Antartica and Iceland Greenland is all adding to ocean volume.

    Head for the hills and pull the shutters down, put your head between your knees and kiss your arse goodbye.

  • ballistic

    Well, people's opinions is what I'm interested in, not whether global warming is ture or not.

    On that, I have my own opinions.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Global Warming has a high degree of cultishness about it and Georgie does not appear to be a member of the cult, so I doubt that he will be changing his view.

    Neither will I. I have just been reviewing cyclone history of the area. There is nothing new here. The disasters only get bigger because the areas are more populated.

    Global Warming is the Greenie's approaching Armageddon and we can all 'see it coming' as long as we only read their 'litterature' and ignor contrary data from the past and present.

    There may well be more than the average number of cyclones in the area this season, but this is just part of a large cycle and has nothing to do with Jehovah or Global Warming and I am sure Georgie already know this.

    The Cook Islands got hit by more than their fair share this year too. I flew in there the day Olaf hit.



  • talesin

    If global warming were proven a reality, changing the economic structure of the whole planet is necessary for true reform to take place. It's not gonna happen, not during Bush's regime nor that of any other current world 'leader'; after all, their major sympathies (and personal fortunes) lie with big business.


  • doofdaddy

    I said KISS your arse not stick your head up it!

  • talesin
  • ColdRedRain

    "Your certainty is unbelievably arrogant, but it's what I've come to expect."

    Oh go kiss my ass. Because I have a differing opinion that contradicts your socialist utopia, I'm arrogant? Maybe you're the one that's arrogant.

  • ballistic

    So... if people aren't sure about the affect our actions have on the world, we just carry on the experiment as if it's in a test tube. Even though we're just a normal planet spinning round a sun with no where else to go, with a thin atmosphrere as big as a pin head on a football.

  • ColdRedRain

    'Bush dosen`t believe there is globel warming...DUH!!....The earth was much warmer than it is now ,during the 14th century...OUTLAW"

    Your reasoning is as fallacious as your spelling. There were no reliable thermometers in the 14th century, nor did we have records from all corners of the globe like we do now.

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