Vaginal Birth or Cesarean Section

by Dimples 59 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • whyamihere

    Both kids were Natural Child births.

    My daughter was 60 hoursof labor, 3 hours of that pushing. She came out THANK GOD! I remember all nurses kept coming in my room to see her. They said they did not get alot of pretty babies like mine! I said ..."I know". Lilyan Catherine was 7lbs 8 oz.

    My son he was 9 days LATE! He was 20 hours of Labor (thank god) 20 minutes of pushing (thank god). He came out.(thank god) He was so adorable. I remember calling my Mom telling her she didn't have to stop by the hospital. After he was born he looked so much like Lily it would be like seeing the same thing. Jack Houston was 8lbs 15oz.

    3rd??????????? I don't know I am tired!


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I had paid the doctor in full before the due date. 1 week before she was due, I told the doc that I thought she had cooked long enough. Lets get it out. He sent me to the hospital. He came over and induced my labor. Before he could get out of the hospital, she went into distress. He pushed her around and she calmed down. He said if it happened again, we would do a c-section. So for 10 hours, I was in labor, begging my husband, to pay him the extra money, CUT IT OUT. She went into distress again,, c-section.

    His quote to me "I'm going to take away your pain, but I'm going to give it back to you tomorrow." Fine with me.

    I asked him at my recall appt. that if I was ever stupid enough to have another baby, could we make an appt. for a c-section? yes. HL

  • tnangel73

    I've been reading this thread looking like this . My baby's due date is September 19th. I went for an ultrasound Thursday, and they told me he already weighs about 8 lbs.and 2 oz. I was also like this that day, too. That means about half of the weight I have gained is all baby.Lol. I know the estimated size can be off. My neice's was by 2 pounds. She was under what they had said. I have planned on vaginal delivery with an epidural, but who knows what can happen. If I were done with everything, like putting the bed together (which I plan on doing tomorrow.) I would want this baby out of me RIGHT NOW! Lol. I had my last day at work Friday, and have been so relieved over just not having that stress. And I was staying away from the pregnancy message boards tonight (they can be scary). Heh.

  • Dimples


    I wish you all the best with your delivery of your baby this month. I hope we didn't scare you too much. Please let us know when the bundle arrives and give us the details.


  • evita

    I had two c-sections for different reasons.

    First pregnancy, very easy and no morning sickness. Went into labor on due date. Labored for about 12 hours and pushed for 5 hours. Screamed for pain med and was finally given an epidural and a C because baby was not budging. Beautiful boy weighing 8 lb. 7 oz.

    Second time, pregnant with twins. Again no morning sickness but I was put on bed rest at 29 weeks due to premature contractions. I had to be monitored constantly but we made it to 36 1/2 weeks. Water broke but my nearby HMO hospital nursery had closed due to too many babies. So they sent us to a hospital 60 miles away!
    When we got there we were told that baby A was head down ready to go, but baby B was transverse breach. My local hospital had doctors who were experienced in that type of delivery. But this new doctor refused to do the delivery and insisted on a C-section. Out came two more beautiful boys, 6 lbs. 12 oz. and 4 lbs. 7 oz.

    I feel both labors were poorly managed. It was very hard recovering from the C-sections as my body shuts down afterwards. I couldn't pee and my milk took a long time coming in. I really had to let go of my bad feeling towards my docs and HMO. What helped was having three healthy, adorable boys. It was all worth it!


  • LyinEyes

    I had two vaginal births and the last baby, the third was premature emergency C-section. C sections are harder IMO. The first day I tried to get my short self off of the hospital bed,,,,,every move of my big toe hitting the floor was felt thruout my body.

    Once you are cut, the muscles are not the same, but ya know you deal with it and exercise and try to get things back the best way you can. A bikini line cut is great, I can't even see my scar very much .

    It takes longer of course to get over a c-section, you are not supposed to drive and I know why now as I tried this after mine. All of your foot pressure seems to come right from your stomach,,,lol.

    If you do have one, don't be like me and think you are superwoman and do too much. Take time to let your body heal. If I would have done things like I was supposed to , my body would have healed two months before it did. I try not to be too harsh with myself about that , because the circumstances were pretty bad at that time, and I did what I had to do.

  • Eyebrow2

    first kid: emergency c section..the cord was wrapped around his neck and his heart rate was dropping...this after hours of labor....oh it sucked afterwards

    2nd kid: v-bac or vaginal after c section...oh the humanity!!! They wouldn't let me have an epidural...oh the pain...oh the tearing...and oh the lovely post delivery seizure I had while the doctor was trying to stich up my tear...but it was still easier to recover than the csection. I did get some lovely valium to help with the seizure...good stuff...

    last kid...another v-bac...was allowed epidural this time....oh my god...I would love to have an epidural today. Good stuff...I recommend ithighly...was a good recovery.

    My other two husband's ex was kind enough to have them for me. Thank god, because one of them was 10lbs

    When I left NH, I was told that my hospital would no longer allow vbacs...and in many parts of the country the hospitals won' is an insurance thing...stupid, stupid.

    Vaginal with epidural...and way to go (k, I didn't get the vodka, but would it have killed them??)

    Off all the methods of delivery, though...I highly recommend having someone else carrying the kid and giving birth for you. Makes things so much easier.

  • arwen

    I tell everyone that I was doing a survey to see if women should have babies when they are young or older, have children spaced far apart or close together in age. I had two vaginals and two c--sections. My first was at age 18 weighed in at 9lb 8 ounces 23 inches, my second five years later weighed 8 lbs 6ounces.......then sixteen yearss later at age 35 I am an emergency c-section after a day of intense labour and welcomed my only daughter weighing 10lbs 8 ounces.21 inches long. Twenty months later,,,another section and a 10lb, 22 inches baby a week early...planned section this time....I felt like I was hit by a mack truck with the sections...twenty years later and I am still recovering!! The baby is 6'3" now.....The answer to the survey is have children around 29 or 30 and deliver vaginally if possible and space them four years apart for your own sanity.....

  • Iforget

    You just HAD to bring this up huh??? I am down to 3 weeks before delivery. I also don't believe in "due dates" cause it's a load of crap. They come when ready and my son took his time by 2 extra weeks. He was born naturally after 36 hours start to finish with labor. Didn't go to the hosptial til my water broke and had him 4 hours later.

    I suppose we all get nervous no matter how many we have had? Been thru it once but each time is different obviously. Starting to get nervous yet excited.

    Will post when she is born!

  • jillbedford

    I had a vaginal birth, took 12 hours with 4 hrs 23 min pushing. My hips were not quite wide enough but she had dropped into the birth canal. I had a 4 inch incision. She was 8 lbs 13 oz.

    She is 15 now.

    I couldn't walk or sit without pain for 4 days. I had no insurance so I had to be back to work in 3 days.

    I chose not to have any more children. I had to make payments to the hospital for 5 years due to the no insurance thing.

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