Vaginal Birth or Cesarean Section

by Dimples 59 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Both mine were born naturally with unnaturally fast labors.

    First one, I had no idea what to expect other than what my mother told me. I remember being in the shower for the most part (highly recommend it if you can do it) and being yelled at to get "back on the bed" and discovering they should call the doctor fast. During my pushing/labor I would feel a contraction coming on & then it would go away. The doctor & nurse were having a discussion during all this about how "episiotomies" were "highly overrated" and well...once my darling was born (labor to finish 3 hours) I had to be stitched up big time..and come to find out, when my mother had me, she had the exact same He explained I had third degree tears..."you know, like the burn" If I had the energy I would have smacked him. Girl, 7lbs 8 oz 19 1/2" she's 5'8"...

    Second..labor was fast, in the shower again, only this time I wanted drugs. Nurse came to check me, said "uh oh" and told me to get back on the bed...Dr came in to break my waters & my son came out with it. No time for drugs again...tore a little....but was rewarded by my handsome prince. 8lbs 7oz, 20 1/2 inches...labor to finish, about 4 hours. Today he's 4 and quite the handful!


    Congrats on all the pending births...don't my mother says "it's the quickest forgotten pain....until the next one

  • ithinkisee

    Both of ours were born vaginally (my wife's vagina ... not mine).

    My wife is also teaches childbirth class, so I hear lots of horror stories either way.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Although I’m not capable of bearing children because of my gender my wife has successfully given birth to all three of my beautiful children.

    My wife had our first son vaginally without epidural or painkillers. My next two are twins. Of them, my second son was also born vaginally with out epidural or painkillers. My wife’s contractions stopped and after about an hour our doctor decided that a c-section was in the best interest of my wife and our daughter.

    I’m so very proud of her strength through both labors that I had to get on this thread and give her a little praise.

  • Billygoat
    Both of ours were born vaginally (my wife's vagina ... not mine).

    Thanks for clarifying that ITIS. LOL!

    But I think I like eyebrow2's suggestion best:

    Off all the methods of delivery, though...I highly recommend having someone else carrying the kid and giving birth for you. Makes things so much easier.

    Thanks for the tip! I'm still very attracted to the puppy variety...yeah, they're a lot of work too, but man...they are a hell of a lot cheaper than a kid with clothes, car, tuition, and a wedding.

  • Momofmany

    My first two were c-sections. Told me I could not deliver vaginally after the first one. Then #3 came so fast, I delived in the doorway, on the strecher, in the ER. So she was a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) As were the rest. So that is 2 sections and 5 VBACs.

    I saw everyone list birth weights, so here it goes.

    #1 boy 6 weeks early 4 lb 13 oz

    #2 boy 6 lb 10 oz (and was born 6/11)

    #3 girl 7 lb 15 oz

    #4 boy 8 lb 7 oz

    #5 boy 8 lb 1oz

    #6 girl 8 lb

    #7 boy He came a month early too. He was 5 lb 1 oz

  • Gill

    I had four 'natural ' births and one emergency C section.

    I'd go for the C section EVERY time!

    What's with all that pain stuff!!!!!

    After the C section, the midwife came to visit me and said how sorry she was that I'd had to have a C section and did I feel cheated of a wonderful natural birth?!

    I said, 'NO!! The only thing I felt cheated of was that I'd had all my children in total agony and I could have got away with a C section!" I

  • colorado5591

    OH MAN! The sheer jealousy I feel towards you all! I have been trying for a few years just to get pregnant! No, have not been to a fertility doctor due to lack of finances........

    (of the wish the sperm would find an egg class)

  • Golf

    My wife had all hers (5)naturally. I had the honor to see three of them being delivered. I strongly suggest men to see the birth of their children.


  • JW83

    I had a vaginal birth with gas, epidural, stirrups, catheter - it was awful! I was so drugged out and tired ... This all happened because my waters broke and stupid naive me went into hospital and they induced.

    Next time I'm hoping for a natural birth.

  • Momofmany
    went into hospital and they induced.

    Isn't pitocin<sp> a form of midevil torture? I swear it is.

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