Is the bible inspired?

by jwfacts 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • trevor


    Can we swop Bibles?

  • peacefulpete

    I'm sure noone literally means to live for the moment. Prospering involves a measure planning. The sentiment behind the advice to 'live each day to the full' or 'live for the moment' is a healthy appreciation for the little joys and pleasures life offers without bemoaning the "what ifs' and "if onlys" of the past or future. Most Christians and atheists actually try to live this way. Apocalyptical visions of destruction of people and things tends to sour one's perception of the here and now. Gradually the fog of negativity clouds such a believer from fully appreciating the beauties in people and experiences surrounding them. A sunny day is diminished if awaiting a perfect one.

    In my experience, the beauty of living is not lost by coming to terms with mortality. Billions have been here before me, billions will be here after me. That's the way it works. It's my turn to see this planet and meet interesting people, and when my turn is up I'll not piss and moan that I deserve more. I really won't. That's a nice place to be.

  • free2beme

    No, unless you mean, "Is the Bible inspiring?" As I think it has inspired many, but much the same could be said of other books, both modern and ancient. Keep in mind though, that even a person of simple thinking can point out the fact that the Bible does not really make sense with all books like we were taught, unless you want it too, which many do want it too.

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