"Relief Effort" here in Texas

by theundecided2004 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    When I click on Cash Donations, nothing happens. Is everybody locked out of it? HL

  • Billygoat
    My name is Arnold DeJesús. I am an active publisher and baptized member of the Union Park Congregation in Orlando, Florida. I was raised in the Truth and spent 7+ wonderful years at Bethel, from 1975 to 1982. I will later post some pictures and more information about my family and myself. I’ll gladly send you contact information for local elders to verify these facts.

    The very fact that he has to qualify himself with that last sentence just goes to show, how ridiculous the paranoia is about apostates. LOL

    I can't get into the donation link either.

  • Finally-Free

    In case anyone wants to contact him check the "privacy policy" first. You'll notice there isn't one.


  • Elsewhere

    This website just went up in the last 24 hours (See date below) and also is not affiliated with the WTS.

    Those involved in relief work can request their own section on the website. For example, a group working out of a Kingdom Hall could have their own newsletter, message board, message form to multiple receipients, updated information page, photo album, etc.

    This is something I find VERY interesting. This is just the kind of fragmentation that the WTS is scared to death of. If a KH can start its own newsletter, what will prevent it from producing its own literature with its own unique flavor of "truth".


    Web Ahoy Webcenter

    14273 Southern Red Maple Dr
    Orlando, Florida 32828
    United States

    Registered through: GoDaddy.com (http://www.godaddy.com)
    Domain Name: JW-AID.COM
    Created on: 31-Aug-05Expires on: 31-Aug-06
    Last Updated on: 31-Aug-05

    Administrative Contact:
    DeJesus, Arnold info@web-ahoy.com
    12640 Victoria Place Cir #8200
    Orlando, Florida 32828
    United States
    (321) 288-2270 Fax -- (802) 609-4569
    Technical Contact:
    DeJesus, Arnold info@web-ahoy.com
    12640 Victoria Place Cir #8200
    Orlando, Florida 32828
    United States
    (321) 288-2270 Fax -- (802) 609-4569

    Domain servers in listed order:

    Registry Status: ACTIVE

  • Elsewhere

    If this guy really is a JW, I suspect he will be receiving a visit from some elders within a week. The WTS will jump all over this because it involves money and doctrine that they cannot control.

  • sir82
    This is just the kind of fragmentation that the WTS is scared to death of. If a KH can start its own newsletter, what will prevent it from producing its own literature with its own unique flavor of "truth".

    Brooklyn lawyers are scrambling as we speak, I'm sure.

    I give it another 48 hours tops, before the pressure from "mama" starts up.

    Giving attention to this website, and its inevitable demise, is just the kind of publicity that WT can't afford...

  • cruzanheart
    "screened like the government does".

    Oh, THERE's a scary thought! Hey, undecided, if you want to PM me the name of that congregation I'll be glad to phone in to the Dallas Morning News and local TV channels and let them know how *gag* "loving" Jehovah's Witnesses are.

    And if anyone can point me to a place where the Society's net worth is, I'd be glad to add that to the conversation -- this multi-BILLION-dollar nonprofit organization is making the local congregations foot the bill for the refugees after first screening them to make sure they really are Jehovah's Witnesses -- after all, they can't give help to just anyone, like the Red Cross, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, United Way, etc. Talk about discrimination and meanness!

    C'mon, we've got an opportunity here!


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    sic em nina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • cruzanheart

    I just had an interesting and brief conversation with the Society's news information desk. My, they're a suspicious bunch! I told them that I was doing a freelance article for the Dallas Morning News about relief efforts by various religious groups and I was interested in finding out what Jehovah's Witnesses had organized. I was switched to someone else, I told him the same thing, and he said they were "trying to get some information along those lines" and asked for my name and phone number so he could call me back. I asked him what information he needed to get about the hurricane -- didn't they already have some relief effort going on? He said he'd call me back in a few minutes. I gave him my name and cell phone number.

    I imagine he's checking my credentials right now!


  • Dragonlady76

    And the WBTS thinks they are the one and only true christian group chosen by god.

    And the whole pedophile comment is a joke, we know they welcome them into the kingdumb hall with open arms, I bet the real reason they are checking so much is to keep out df'd ones, cause we all know they deserve to die right?


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