My husband's comment on the hurricane looters.

by wordlywife 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • wordlywife

    All he said as we watched a little of it last night, is "And THAT'S in the heart of the 'Bible Belt' of America".........

    To me it was a put down of the South, and completely devoid of any understanding. All I said was: "these people down there have NOTHING to begin with".

    As in another thread, I cannot believe my eyes when I see these thugs are terrorizing hosptials, rescue efforts, etc. But to bring attention to the specific area and it being a "Bible Belt", it just hit me that he was thinking that this is again proof of "Babylon the Great" and how awful it's people are...............Ugh.............

    wordly wife...who is extemely upset by the looting and gangs with guns

  • SixofNine

    what confidence witnesses have in the bible as a force for good!

  • upside/down

    It makes me want to re-join!

  • blondie

    The WTS officially says that poverty is not an excuse for stealing. There is even a scripture they quote.

    Not at home, so my resources are limited.


  • upside/down
    upside/down thinking bout Prov6....where it says you don't despise a man if he's caught stealing bread to feed his family...but when found he makes good with 7 times what he took?

    Seems reasonable enough to me...but under the Law weren't you obliged to look after you brother?

    Just wonderin...


  • coolhandluke

    I dunno. I can truly see it from both sides. If I owned a storefront that had supplies, in these conditions I'd open the door and declare it free-for-all. Insurance would cover damage and loss. My heart could not manage knowing that what I was "protecting" could save lives. It makes no sense in the human context to place a higher value on possesions be they food, water, medical supplies, etc than on life.

  • upside/down


  • shera

    JW's don't see pass their own nose.Its up too high...

    I seen on the news,baptise(sp) buses there for aide and picking the homeless up.I haven't heard anything yet of the WTS giving aide and in my opinion,if they do,its just for themsleves.

  • Mecurious?

    I dunno. I can truly see it from both sides. If I owned a storefront that had supplies, in these conditions I'd open the door and declare it free-for-all. Insurance would cover damage and loss. My heart could not manage knowing that what I was "protecting" could save lives. It makes no sense in the human context to place a higher value on possesions be they food, water, medical supplies, etc than on life.

  • wordlywife

    coolhandduke...........right on!

    What can be recovered from the rettal stores anyway, really? But the people firing at rescue efforts, stealing hospital transport vehicles, etc.? Evacuating hopsitals because of fears for safety? Yikes...........


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