What Would You Risk Your Life Over?

by Mecurious? 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mecurious?

    I see people doing stupid things that involve risking their life for jobs that don't even pay that much or some other sillines, like not giving up a car to an armed robber.

    Relate incidents where this has happened and name some things that you'd risk life and limb over.



    Be creative! Cuz, there are a few that bear mentioning!

  • jeeprube

    My wife.

    My dogs.

    My family.

  • alreadygone

    I haven't come across a situation that would warrent it and hopefully I never do. However, if my children were in any kind of danger, I would do whatever I had to to ensure their safety.

  • TresHappy

    My nieces and nephews!

  • damselfly

    When I was first living on my own as a teen, I thought it was a good idea to walk 30 minutes home alone. Which would have been fine if it wasn't 2 am, pitch black, and I wasn't surrounded by crack dealers and their whores. I did this for months. I moved to a different neighbourhood when I realized I knew the prostitute on the corner by name ( Ruby ). That was a very stupid risk.

    Now I would only put my life at risk to save loved ones.


  • arrowstar

    1. My son

    2. Matt

    3. my best friend Mary

    other than that...well, there really isn't anything else

  • Finally-Free

    My cockatoo, Roxy!!!

    Also my mom, sisters, and their families.


  • Elsewhere

    Without hesitation, someone I loved.

  • talesin

    I have put my life at risk to help a friend escape a Satanic cult, and to rescue another from an abusive partner who was extremely violent and stalked her through me for some time.

    Also, when I was a live-in with street kids, I had to protect 2 of them from a couple of hoodlums that the third resident invited over to our home in the middle of the nite. She had met them on a chat line. When I demanded they leave (as they were being overly sexual and threatening in their demeanour), one of them pulled a knife. My responsibility was to protect the gurls, so I stood my ground. Luckily, they backed down, but it was touch-and-go for about 15 minutes. I was truly scared.

    It would depend on the circumstance, and I would have to make the decision at the time it happens.


  • ballistic
    When I demanded they leave (as they were being overly sexual and threatening in their demeanour), one of them pulled a knife. My responsibility was to protect the gurls, so I stood my ground

    sheesh, was that shit really going down - I thought you lived in a quiet part of Canada?

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