ITHINKISEE Update: A true milestone for my wife!

by ithinkisee 37 Replies latest members private

  • GoingGoingGone

    ITIS -

    I am SOOOOO happy for you both!! Keep up the good work... and keep us posted! You are an inspiration to those of us in the same situation.


  • jgnat

    Woop! Woop! Woop. You go for it, man. You give us all hope. I think your role is changing. Let her take the lead for a while.

  • Apostanator

    That is awesome news !!!

  • Bryan
  • hubert
    Let her take the lead for a while.

    I agree with Jgnat.

    Great job, Ithinkisee !!

    Do you hire out?


  • Scully

    I'm so pleased for you!

    Maybe it sounds silly, but the anti-JW stuff was peripheral when I was doing my own soul-searching. What really did it for me, and got me thinking about how groups like JWs work, was watching a lecture series on the local university channel from a Social Psychology course, that discussed group dynamics, brainwashing, mind control, Stockholm Syndrome, Milgram's authority studies, etc. Once I realized how the WTS "ticked" to keep members in check, I started reading about abusive churches, mind control, and religious addiction. It wasn't until after that I had any interest in exploring doctrinal and organizational issues. All it took for me was understanding the dynamics of how cult leaders use manipulation, dishonesty, propaganda, guilt and shame to control people, and I wanted nothing more to do with JWs. To me, it was clear that the GB was doing this to people with INTENT, and they were not inclined to change that because it was working for them.

    If you are interested, here's a reading list you can share with your wife. I found all of these books extremely helpful (and not one of them attacks the JWs directly):

    Tired of Trying to Measure Up - by Jeff vanVonderen
    When God Becomes a Drug - by Leo Booth
    The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse - by David Johnson and Jeff vanVonderen

  • zulukai

    You might just have found a new vocation: CULT BUSTER !! I am so impressed with the way you have chosen to chip gently away at those deep JW defences and the fact that you willingly took the excellent suggestions offered here. Have been following your story since it began and hope for the outcome you have sweated over all these weeks!! Your wife seems to be experiencing the rebirth of her God-given critical thinking abilities! What great news!

  • Leolaia

    ithinkisee....Have you got all the scans online yet?

  • Buster

    Though I haven't posted, I've followed the threads.

    Puts a smile on this curmudgeon's face.

  • donkey

    Perhaps she is already on JWD with a nickname you don't know....

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