by Mary 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    So! Seeing as you're reading this thread, can I assume that you're not going out preaching 'bout Dis Gutt News Uf De King-dumb this morning?

    What do you do with all your free Sattiday mornings now that you don't have to sell magazines for 2 hours??

  • LuckyNun

    I go for a nice walk before the sun gets too hot
    I swim in the apartment complex pool
    I do my laundry and collect 'placed' magazines for my collage project
    I go to the farmers market with my kids and look at all the yummy produce
    I take my kids to the park
    I play on my computer

  • kwintestal

    Well, I woke up at 9am, when the service meeting should have started. Other then that I gotta clean the house this morning, something as a kid we would always do on Saturday afternoon after service. I guess I'll just get a head start on my old routine.

    BTW, good morning Mary!


  • Finally-Free

    I got up at 6 AM, had a breakfast of pancakes, bacon & eggs, coffee & juice. Played with my bird. Watched some TV.

    And I still have time to make it to the field service arrangement!!!

    Damn, am I ever organized!


  • blondie

    1. Work in the garden and the flower beds before it gets too hot

    2. Pick up the house and dust one room

    3. Have a nice breakfast with hubbie (he cooks while I clean) and we read the paper

    4. Sometimes we go to the farmers market, antiquing, it's canning time too.

    5. Go to a movie, Sky High or the penguin movie

    6. Cook out

    7. Pick and get tickets to the plays this fall, Merry Wives of Windsor

    8. In the last 5 years, no one has called on us or our neighbors....pretty slack

  • ballistic

    Shit! I knew I was supposed to be somewhere!

  • Honesty

    I was just wondering why you weren't out in service at 8:50 this morning as I was making breakfast. The thought crossed my mind to let breakfast go and ask this very same question so I am glad you did. I am not out in service because I have a lot better things to do than spread apostate lies to my neighbors about a delusional and misguided cult led by a group of megalomaniacs who are hell bent on ruling the world in the name of God.

  • Billygoat

    1. Work in the garden while hubby mows.

    2. Pick up the mess in the living room from this past week.

    3. Have a nice breakfast with hubby - he makes amazing migas!

    4. Work. Saturdays are busy days during wedding season. (May, June, September, October)

    5. Talk to old friends on the phone.

    6. Take a walk before it gets too hot.

    7. Come here.

    Some things I'd like to do:

    1. Go to the Farmer's Market - LOVE tomatoes!

    2. Go see an independent film at the Angelika - Blondie if you haven't seen the penguin movie, it's a MUST SEE!!!

    3. Lay out and work on my tan.

    4. Redecorate my home by rearranging what I already have.

    5. Read a good book.

  • JH

    Because I need a hair cut, a shave, a car, and I need a real honest message to preach that people will be happy to hear.

  • stillajwexelder

    There are 1001 things I would rather being doing. It starts with a nice lie in bed to ctch up on sleep. A nice leisurely breakfast and then a nice drive in the country - anything is better than going door to door with the WT/Awake

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