Does JWD fill a VOID in your life?

by ballistic 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    John Doe, that was interesting about the shift to technology, although surely this kind of activity is slightly different to talking on a cellphone (mobile). Here we are complete strangers interacting on a database about an intellectual concept, mobile phones surely are an extension to everyday communications with family and friends?

    Yes, I agree--there is a big difference between the internet and cell phones. What I was trying to point out is that so many talk about a void and seem to be afraid to be alone for any amount of time (won't put their cell phones down), but ironically, we're all surrounded by folks everyday that we don't converse or communicate with. I think technology has hampered communication in many respects.

  • Finally-Free
    I think technology has hampered communication in many respects.

    You just reminded me of my brother-in-law. He liked a girl at work so he emailed her to ask her out. He couldn't understand why she was annoyed. I tried to explain to him that he should have asked her in person - it would only have taken a little effort to walk the 50 feet to where she was sitting. He thought there was something wrong with me when I pointed this out to him.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Asking someone out in an email, especially someone you're in contact with everyday, comes across as creepy or juvenile. If a guy doesn't have the balls, figuratively speaking, to go to her face and ask her, what makes him think she'll trust his ability to have a healthy, normal realtionship where communication is paramount to success?

  • ballistic

    Yeah I guess if they sat on the same floor and he emailed her, that would be quite weird... however, kids these days are growing up in a world of "txt life", where dating goes on through text and email plus mobile phone and us single thirty somethings are getting dragged into it. It's quite difficult to know what format of communication you're supposed to use sometimes!!!

  • anewme

    Yes this site has helped me so much to feel more comfortable and confident around others.
    I think the mix of folks here is so varied, young and old, men and women, straight and gay, etc. that
    after awhile you hear from so many view points from a very unique slice of society....former JWs.

    I think former JWs are more truth lovers in a way than JWs. JWs arent allowed to speak the truth or tell how they really feel. They are not allowed to express themselves truthfully. And certainly when they get together the conversations may not be on certain subjects.

    Here we come and talk and discuss about EVERYTHING!
    This is so healthy!!

    I have definitely benefitted from reading all your posts and posting some myself.
    My family can see a definite difference in me these days and they say its great!
    I am happier, more confident and feel less lonely.

    Thank you all so much!

    Love, Anewme

  • ballistic
    I think former JWs are more truth lovers in a way than JWs. JWs arent allowed to speak the truth or tell how they really feel. They are not allowed to express themselves truthfully. And certainly when they get together the conversations may not be on certain subjects.

    hmmm, bloody interesting, I typed a massive reply to that then deleted it.

  • hurt dave
    hurt dave

    some of the advice ive been getting from these boards has helped me so much in getting over my expiernces i want to say thanks to all its great to be open and honest and not feel ashamed about it after words


  • ballistic

    well thanks dave, youre not the only one hurt around here.

    But I'm keeepin smilin.

  • Tez

    I used the internet to fill a void when I first left 'truf' and husband. I was looking for friends, 'real' friends! Only real one I found was my partner.. and without the internet I would never have found him, as we lived at different ends of the country! And at 50 I am happier now than I have ever been. That was two years ago, and once we got together wasn't bothered about the internet until now, yes the JWD does fill another void that I hadn't realised I had... listening to others relate their experiences and thoughts, all who have come from the same place I have been for so many years. There is a need to relate with others who really understand the 'mind' control, the guilt you are left with etc... and yes I suppose among these people I am still looking for real friends, and live in the hope that I will find them.

  • Ticker

    I don't know if it so much filled a void, I suppose you could say it did at the time when I was recovering from the JW religion. It gave me association with people who I could touch base with, people who themselves could relate to the things I was talking about and didn't look at me in a way as if I was out of my mind. Just try to talk to someone who knows nothing about the JW's and they would think you are either out of your mind or speaking another language. They know none of the witnesse jargon or experiences. So yes I would say in that sence JWD filled a void for me and really helped me along rather expediently in my recovery or at least I feel so, as it took me five years, but to me this is a good recovery time. Now I like to check in once in awhile to keep up on developments due to natural curiousity, and to help support others going through the same feelings that I at one time went through.


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