non J.W girl involved with J.w BOY...HELP!!!

by miss_ellie 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • miss_ellie

    aw thanks guys so glads i found this place!!!

    no theres no way of me ever becoming a J.W an i think he knows this...what gets me is his grandparents who he lives with are both raving alcoholics therefore he gets drunk quite alot and his grandad even drink drives!!! i rarely get drunk beyond control but they still hate me!!! when i was visiting him last week they wouldnt even have me in the house i had to wait outside while he got changed!! how christian is that!!! i really dont understand them!!! am gonna get that book i think though coz he is a very intelligent person and they preyed on him when he was at a low point in his life...unemployed no money for rent or food and they took him in housed him etc so he was quite impressionable but im not gonna let it take over my life or anythin!!

    ellie x

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    but they still hate me!!!

    That's right. That is what you can expect from them. If you ever have kids this is the attitude which will be thrust on them. If you aren't a bigot you will never fit in.

  • jgnat

    DevonMcBride, astute of you to provide some options. Girls like choices.

    Miss ellie, I think you will be just fine. You are an observant young woman. All your impressions are absolutely correct. The ONLY reason the grandparents don't like you is that you are not a JW. Express some interest in joining, and watch their interest change, like Jekyll and Hyde.

    How do I know how they will behave? All JW's are told how to react to every social situation. They are all, creepily, alike.

  • Honesty


    I have an ex-wife who is a loyal JW. We have children. I do not get to see my children because she has gone into hiding to keep them from me because I rejected the false teachings of the WatchTower Society. Your life will be forever changed if you continue a relationship with the JW. He is being controlled by a cult that destroys families and rejects and denies Christ.

  • miss_ellie

    ah thanks for the support alot less confused now i know a little into why he is behaving this way...its just so frustrating though kinda like watching from the outside!!

    so if any of you guys were witnesses how long for and what made you doubt the Truth or leave the 'cult'?

    ellie x

  • Honesty
    so if any of you guys were witnesses how long for and what made you doubt the Truth or leave the 'cult'?

    ellie x

    15 years. I woke up when I realised the JW's do not have any charitable works to back up their faith, a lot of talking about other JW's behind their backs, doctrines that kept changing and total information control over the members from the leaders of the organisation.

  • DelTheFunkyHomosapien

    I am in a similar situation . Like some have Don't let it consume you if he loves you he will make the move.

  • miss_ellie

    hi del....yeah pretty similar situation....frustrating isnt it!!! are you still with your girl an has there been any progress on your part?

    ellie x

  • DelTheFunkyHomosapien

    Not really. I have had some very tentative talks with her recently but I have to pick my words carefully and bite my tongue the rest of the time. No-one wants to hear that their parents have f@#ked your head up.

    She saw her rellos recently and they have 2 little kids and she made the comment about lack of personality. We then saw a friend of mine's little boy and hes just so much happier. I know its apples and oranges I'm comparing here but I am geeting to the stage where I can pick a JW just by seeing them.

  • miss_ellie

    yeh i find it hard for us to 'talk' properly as i have to really carefulwith my words not to offend.....wenever i ask him how does he know its the truth he says that he believes because the bible is the worlds oldest book so there has to be truth in it!! to be honest i dont think that they make all their rules from the bible they must has been re interpretated along the way somewhere am i right?

    ellie x

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