My Brush with Nuclear History

by Amazing1914 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    Twelve years ago I met a survivor of the Hiroshima blast. I had no idea at the time he had lived in Hiroshima in 1945; he was a pretty good scholar I eagerly wanted to meet and my boss knew his family and he came over to dinner at my boss' house. During dinner, he told us the story of his experience at Hiroshima. He was a young boy at the time and he talked about saving his uncle and other family members. He also took his shirt off and showed us his burns that he still has from the blast. I think he still lives today in the Hiroshima area.

    I personally visited Hiroshima in 2003 and visited the Peace Museum there which displayed various artifacts from the bombing. Very moving.

  • Amazing1914


    I was not trying to compete with Eisenhower. In fact, I was only relating my short experience and its meaning to me. Finally, I never justified the use of the Atom bomb. I merely said that I cannot judge the people who decided to defend the USA from the attacks by the Japanese Empire.


    I don't know how to answer you. I guess it all depends.


    Fascinating experience. I have never been to Hiroshima, but judging from the pictures of it, it appears to be a robust city, and recovered from the effects of the Bomb.

    Jim W.

  • IW


    I don't know how to answer you. I guess it all depends.

    As a Christian, Amazing, on what does "it all depend?"

    Does it depend on how many soldiers are invading? Or if they reach your town? I ask in order to understand how you would not engage in war yet you say you are not a pacifist. On what grounds are you not a pacifist?

    Edited: I know sometimes you leave questions hanging. That's ok Amazing I understand.

  • Leolaia

    It's quite a nice city now. Here are some pictures I took on my trip:

  • IW

    That charred tricycle says it all.

  • Leolaia

    I saw a documentary on Hiroshima today on the Discovery Channel that discussed the tricycle. It was given the night before as a birthday present to a child who was out playing with it the morning the bomb was dropped. The boy died instantly and he was buried with the tricycle in a mass grave of dead. Then decades later the child was reinterred to a better grave and the tricycle was sent to the museum.

  • EvilForce

    I've been to Hiroshima as well. Quite horrific visiting the Peace Museum Exhibits. Hopefully we will never use nukes ever again.

  • bebu

    While living in Japan, I went to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is deeply unsettling. A lot of pictures and information that most Americans have never seen, and which would break your heart endlessly. I bought a book there to remind me of how awful it was.

    A couple of months ago on PBS I watched a series on WW2, showcasing color film footage in Japan, from before and during the war, and entries from Japanese diaries. I already knew that the mindset of the Japanese at that time was incredibly hard to imagine, but the program really underscored how bizarre it was. For example, one diary records that when the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the beginning of the war was announced at schools, all children and teachers were ecstatic and cheering. (It made me think of how certain Muslim groups today behaved after 9/11.) Being captured alive was the worst shame a soldier could have, and many Japanese soldiers died needlessly because of this deep-seated belief. Because of this ideology the taking of Okinawa was one of the war's hardest tasks, with high casualties because all of the Japanese fought to the death. The US

    According to the PBS production, MacArthur mused about the possibility of using atomic bombs to clear out the Japanese for the US troops, who were to be landing on the beaches of southern Kyushu.. He certainly did not seem, at that time, to grasp that such use would have resulted in utter annihilation of both armies. So I wonder about well he really comprehended this situation, before the bomb fell.

    But ...I found it strange that the bomb was dropped while the Japanese were making quiet moves to figure out a strategy to have peace and yet keep their emperor. That is the one element which makes this event probably the most tragic: Signs of potential progress were dismissed, in order for a 'toy' to be tested.

    (But, as mentioned, even after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the Japanese still didn't surrender!! The determination to fight to the death was amazingly still intact in enough of the leaders.)

    Well, it's too, too bad that they didn't surrender right then. Because they didn't, they got another dose.

    BTW I agree with Six to a degree, that Americans viewed Japanese as subhumans. They surely looked at the fact that the Japanese armies had long been busy committing atrocities throughout Asia, as well as the bombing of Pearl Harbor, as evidence that this race had no conscience at all! Also, the war propaganda certainly underscored a subhuman caracature, if you have ever seen any of it...

    However, the Japanese at that time certainly considered anyone who was not Japanese as subhuman! Their current understanding of the value of peace is certainly not a by-product of their own WW2 culture, but more of a much-too-late "aha!" experience after the bomb... ...and, perhaps, thru the American occupation (during which much relief was received): that is, they probably began to appreciate being dealt with rather mercifully, in contrast to their own merciless actions elsewhere.

    (The Japanese even seem to appreciate these bombings in some bizarre way, because it distracted/made up for their own actions in Asia. Kinda like being able to reclaim honor (an extremely important concept to them) in the eyes of the world; that it gave them moral highground in the end. (This is only my perception.) They never talk about Pearl Harbor and they have revised history for their children's schoolbooks, and write nothing about their cruel handiwork in Asia before and during the war--which has angered their Asian neighbors no end...)

    Still rambling here... Sorry.

    Anyway, to my knowledge, America has not apologized for dropping the bomb, and the Japanese have not apologized for its aggression to China, Korea, America, and other countries. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) I feel we should apologize for it. ... (and maybe that will give them example for them to follow, and see that they won't lose face...?)

    Just my 2 cents, all mixed up.


    (And I really enjoy your comments, Jim. I agree with you on your attitude.)

  • Golf

    Amazing1914, if your interested, purchase the following books written by William Guy Carr, R.D. "Pawns In the Game" and "The Red Fog Over America."

    CPA Book Publisher
    P.O. Box 596
    Boring, OR 07009


  • ozziepost
    Edited: I know sometimes you leave questions hanging. That's ok Amazing I understand.

    Huh? How'd you know, IW? Or have you been around longer than your posting start date of July 27?

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