Another joke about HELL

by kwintestal 21 Replies latest social humour

  • kwintestal

    A farmer from Saskatchewan (Canadian praries) dies and goes to hell. The devil goes right to work and puts him in a firey lake, and leaves. He returns an hour later and sees this farmer just sitting comfortably relaxing, while everyone around him was in agonizing pain.

    The devil says, "Don't you find this hot?"

    The farmer responds, "Ah, this is nothing. This is like a June day on the Saskatchewan fields."

    Well, the devil could't let that go, so he doubled the heat in all of hell. An hour later he checks on this farmer, and he's still relaxing comfortably. So the devil says, "Surely you must find this hot!"

    And again the farmer replies, "No, not at all. This is like a July day on the Saskatchewan fields."

    The devil is really angry after this, so he cranks up the heat in hell as much as he can! An hour later he checks on the farmer. The farmer is still sitting comfortably, but has a couple of beads of sweat on his face, but isn't being tortured the way the devil expected. So the devil says to him, "I can't believe you don't find this hot!"

    The farmers says, "Oh, this is nothing. It's just like an August day on the Saskatchewan fields."

    Well, the devil couldn't take it anymore, and said if the heat wasn't going to work, then he'd try something else. He decided to put all of hell in a deep freeze. As soon as he did this, he heard cheers and celebration from everyone in hell, "The Leafs won the stanley cup! The Leafs won the stanley cup!"


  • katiekitten

    I have NO idea why this joke is funny! But dont kill it by explaining it to me, I will just do one of those fake laughs when you dont get it but are too embarrased to admit it.

  • upside/down

    Good one...

  • xjwms

    Please explain this one

    The devil is funny

  • kwintestal

    It's no fun when you have to explain it!!!

    The Toronto Maple Leafs are a hockey team in the National Hockey League. The Stanley Cup is the campionship trophey which goes to the best team in the League.

    Everyone was celebrating, because they though the Leafs had won the Stanley Cup because hell froze over. Ever hear that expression, That'll happen when hell freezes over!?


  • kls
    Ever hear that expression, That'll happen when hell freezes over!?

    Ya ,but i still don't get it

  • confusedjw
    I have NO idea why this joke is funny! But dont kill it by explaining it to me, I will just do one of those fake laughs when you dont get it but are too embarrased to admit it.


  • dorayakii

    I didn't know who "The Leaves" were, and i didn't know what the Stanley Cup was, but i still got the joke (Even though icouldn't find it funny due to not having an intimate knowledge of Hockey and its teams). Clearly the Leaves are a sports team who never win anything, and the very notion that they have won and that hell has frozen over is cnsidered amusing... Try to substitute "The Leaves" for "Millwall FC"... and The "Stanley Cup" for the "FA Cup" and you'll understand...

    have i totally ruined your joke yet kwin?

  • kwintestal
    have i totally ruined your joke yet kwin?

    Well, not really ruined it, just kinda UK'd it a bit! Wait a min though ...

    The Leaves

    Yep, that ruined it right there ... it's the Leafs


  • katiekitten

    hah ah hah ah hah ah ahh a (real laugh)

    I GET IT!

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