Don't forget to give in your July service report everyone...

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    mine is already handed in with some lovely inflated artificial numbers - all helps make their worldwide report meaningless - I call it Theocratic Warfare strategy

  • ozziepost
    Can you remember an elder or MS calling your for your time who never talked to you at the KH?

    Yes, yes, yes!

  • upside/down

    I love "guerilla" theocratic warfare... especially Covert Ops!

    u/d(of the Rainbow Six class)

  • ButtLight
    mine is already handed in with some lovely inflated artificial numbers

    Im ashamed of you stilla! Going to the meetings 70 % of the time, going to apostafests and swearing, and now turning in fake time? Man, what am I going to do with you!

  • lawrence

    125 hours, 27 return visits, 8 Bible Studies, 46 magazines, 6 books, and quarter of a booklet - the 3/4 portion was full of lies.

    C.O. appointment next year? I'll clean up by then... why?

  • Honesty

    Since the local KH refuses to accept my gifts of service to Joe Hoba will one of you stillactivebutknowit'sBSandtryingtokeepfamilybondsintact elders please add mine in with your KH July Service Report to the cult?

  • ezekiel3

    I will be glad to. Cheers!

  • GoingGoingGone
    mine is already handed in with some lovely inflated artificial numbers

    For months and months after I stopped going in service, my husband (an elder!) turned in a service report for me. I have no idea what he wrote on it, I didn't ask. I know he was doing it to avoid having to confront the issue.

    Last month, I think, was the first month he didn't turn in a report for me. I know because I heard him on the phone with the Service Overseer.....


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Wow, seeing that timeslip just weirds me out on so many levels. I haven't seen one of those bad boys in over 20 years. I'd rather be stabbed in the eye with a fork than ever deal with that stuff again.

  • stillajwexelder

    Im ashamed of you stilla! Going to the meetings 70 % of the time, going to apostafests and swearing, and now turning in fake time? Man, what am I going to do with you!

    Dont ask!!!!!!!!!! If I gave a truthful answer the mods might lock the thread

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