What exactly is a beer belly?

by sonnyboy 27 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • sonnyboy

    This probably sounds like a stupid topic, but what's in a beer belly?

    I've always been on the thin side, but I've been drinking too much beer lately and notice something happening above my belt. It's not really noticeable and is easiliy sucked in, but I'm not happy.

    I just don't understand what causes it. There's no fat or flab around it...it's like a hard swelling. Will simply giving up beer make this go away?

  • Ellie

    being male I'm guessing you're not pregnant, so I'd quit the beer for a while see if it disappears

  • shera

    Beer is fattening and it will make you gain weight.


  • Vassago

    This is a BEER BELLY!

    This is mostly seen on men, but there are some women out there that do have this also!!!

  • sonnyboy

    If I ever grow as big as those pictures I'll give up more than beer! Luckily you can't notice mine unless I totally relax and then it pops out.

    The strange thing is there's no fat that I can feel; it's sort of hard, like it's being pushed out from behind the muscle. Is that where beer fat is located?

  • JH

    Drinking beer makes me go to the toilet more often, so I lose weight, thus no "beer" belly.


  • Vassago

    Maybe you should go to the doctors!!

    How fast did this happen, over a few months, or over a week or two??

    It should not be a hard ball!! Is it behind your belly button??

    Did you swallow a watermellon seed???

    You know they will start growing in your belly if you swallow a seed. LOL

    No really, make a doctors appointment.


  • sonnyboy

    It happened over the period of about a month. I swallowed a few "seedless watermelon" seeds. Do you think one could have been fertile?

    The swelling is in the entire mid section, and I haven't really gained any weight. I may have gained a couple pounds but my weight has always fluctuated between 5 pounds or so.

    I think I'll stop drinking for a few weeks and see what happens, then see a doctor if it doesn't get back to normal. I've been getting pains in me liver bone from time to time.

  • shera

    JH,I want your metabolism...k?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I changed my diet and took up rock&roll &ballroom dancing and lost heaps of weight, including my 'beer belly', without drinking any less beer.

    I have more trouble putting weight on than taking it off now, even though I have given up dancing.

    I put that that down to the change in diet. Less vegetarian, esp. carbs, more carnivorous.

    I reckon that a 'beer belly' is more to do with what you eat than the beer itself. Ask yourself, "What else have I been doing differently?"



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