Men In The Girlie Department.

by Englishman 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Insomniac

    I'd be really uncomfortable having honey-bunny hanging around when I bought clothes. I send him elsewhere, so I can shop in privacy. Strangely though, I enjoy helping him pick out his own clothes. I think I don't like having him around is that he gets very critical, telling me all my choices are "dated,' "tacky," or his new fave expression "dubby."

    Oh, and I would never have a man hold my purse! Guys, when your woman does that, she's just trying to see if she can make you do it- it's a way of showing who's boss, and of marking territory. Don't give in.

  • Ellie

    I really don't like clothes shopping but my partner often forces me to go and yes he comes with me and forces me to try things on, however we have recently discovered that Topshop have stylists who will pick clothes out for you and give an honest opinion of how you look, now he just sends me in there.

  • Englishman

    When I'm feeling really generous, I just point HL towards the clothes section in Asda. Or sometimes, even Tescos.

    Either way, I just give her a rub down with an oily rag once a week and she comes up like new.


  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I go to Victoria's Secret with my wife, and I have no problem with it. The only thing that drives me nuts is that she never likes anything I suggest, saying that its too racy, or she doesn't have the figure for it. My wife is one of those women who are much better looking than they give themselves credit for.

  • carla

    Husband actually likes shopping for clothes for and with me. He used to have really good taste, now it seems like he wants to dress me like the 'church ladies' sometimes! As for men in the underwear dept. I don't mind them in there if I'm just 'shopping' but when I have to walk by them with things to try on, I feel a bit uncomfortable. There is a store in town that has the ladies underwear directly next to the men's shoe dept! I don't know anyone who will actually buy any from there, muchless if you have your teenage daughters with you!!! What kind of weirdo would put the men's shoe dept right there? don't answer, I know! Still not a very bright business move. carla

  • FMZ

    AllAlongTheWatchtower... in short, your wife is female. :) None of them realize how beautiful they are.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Personally, Id' rather shop by myself, for myself. I've never even liked going shopping with the girls! Except maybe our last trip to Mazatlan where I took a traveling companion shopping who had a bad attitude about shopping and buying in Mexico (everyone's out to get you!). I showed her the good side of it and she came away with our venture being the best part of the whole week!

    Kevan won't bother with women's departments unless it's a "passing thru just wanna look for a moment". However, we like to shop in hardware stores together. We'll shop together, or go our own ways and meet back up. For me being raised and working around the building trades, and being mechanical myself, this is fun stuff! Yes, I'm weird.

    Then there's garage and estate sales, and thrift stores..... Often, when I "drag" Kev along, he'll buy something and stuff he thinks I'd like, I do, but am willing to pass up.

  • tijkmo
    stylists who will pick clothes out for you

    now theres a job i would like doing...for men obviously...or...

    tijkmo of the still not gay class

  • freedom96

    I really dislike going with my wife when she is buying clothes. Takes too much time.

  • wanderlustguy

    I absolutely love shopping for clothes with my sig other...especially the trips to the changing room...

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