Why do people feel they need religion in their life ???

by run dont walk 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien
    If by religion you mean belonging to an organised group, then why not consider that some people want to express their beliefs with like-minded individuals? They may like the "services" they attend and enjoy the social contact. Whislt there are some religious groups who do seek to control members, that doesn't stand for all of them.


    you still should take into account the most probable root/explanation of these needs and wants, for expression and socialization within a religious framework. it obviously has a cause, at some time in our past.

  • JamesThomas
  • daystar
    It really annoys me when non-religious people (usually complete atheists) delight in looking down upon those with beliefs....almost saying "oh you only believe because you are a poor deluded fool!" or "you are just controlled by the religion you are in". Well heres some news: some people choose to believe and they are neither foolish nor deluded.

    Why can't you all just grow up and realise the differences that exist, without putting people down?

    Sure! Everyone chooses whether to believe or not to believe any particular thing. However, some people believe mainly because it makes them feel good about themselves, others, and existence and not so much because it has been proven to be true and accurate to any large extent. So much is taken on faith alone. People want to believe that there is some continuation to their existence beyond death, so they will tend to gravitate towards ideas that support that and discard those that do not. This is part of faith.

    Others choose to start with doubt. These are the skeptics.

    I can recall being a JW and believing that I knew the Truth, that the rest of the world was deluded, that I was right. I was wrong. I was the one deluded. How can one be sure at any given time that they do not hold all sorts of delusional and foolish beliefs? Well, no one can be logically completely certain. But I think the best way to try is to begin with doubt rather than faith.

    Mankind began from a position of ignorance. How could he explain the universe he perceived without current knowledge of it? He guessed. He created gods. He created stories about how man came about. He created laws for what he thought was the best way to live and claimed the gods' authority, through him. It may have been to man's benefit, but it was still fantasy. As man's knowledge and invention increased, the realm of the gods shrank. No longer did the earth reside upon a turtle's back, but it hung in space upon nothing. Do we not now consider how silly man was to believe that the earth was flat, or was the center of the universe, or sat upon a turtle's back?

    Quantum physics seems on the verge of explaining many previous unknowns, such as how miracles occur, as not the workings of any god so much as a natural function of consciousness and of the universe. The realm of the gods shrinks further.

    I don't know if your response was with me in mind along with other, but if so, I meant no disrespect. My opinion is that people deep down feel like they need religion to explain away all those questions they have, to make them feel like everything's going to be okay, with the authority of God as a Father to his children. But, also in my opinion, this is just happy-making. Sort of like telling a child there are no monsters, when we all know there are plenty of them roaming our streets each day. I say tell the kid about the bad things, let him come to terms with it rather than just making stuff up to make him feel good. When he does come into contact with a real monster, he won't hopefully be frozen in fear and shock that monsters (horrible, evil people) really do exist, but will take up arms and fight it.

    Anyhow, I digress horribly.

  • FairMind
    "Religion is the opiate of the masses." - Karl Marx

    Karl Marx would have made a good Elder.

  • freedom96

    I believe in to each their own as long as it doesn't hurt themselves or others.

    To put others down because they choose to believe in God or go to a church is sad, and it shows the lack of maturity in the individual who says it. One post put it earlier that it is an opium for the poor. Excuse me?? I personally know billionaires that go to church, so that statement is false and ignorant. I choose to go to a church, and I am far from poor.

    Personally, I do not wish to participate in an organized religion, though I do go to a non-denominational church, but if someone else chooses an organized religion, so be it. But I will not make blanket statements in order to justify my viewpoint.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Religion was invented out of peoples fear of death. It has been used by governments to control the downtrodden, ignorant masses.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Why do some people feel the need not to have religion in their life? Either you get it or you don't. You can't force someone to believe that there is a purpose to life. By the same token you can't force someone to believe that there isn't one. You don't have to be stupid to believe in God and you don't have to be stupid not to. There are smart people and stupid people on both sides of the argument. I think the trick is to be respectful of someones belief or lack there of.

  • Terry

    The act of worshipping is an act of self-debasement.

    A lack of self-esteem comes from a neurotic view of one's own worth.

    Religion (i.e. your parents when you are too young to argue) teaches you to view yourself as weak, vulnerable and incapable of thinking for yourself. Society reaffirms this view with its pressures of approval/disapproval in groups at school and in political ideologies.

    The "god" messege is connected to almost everything sold to babies, children and families in cartoons, morality tales and one's view of nature and life itself.

    It can be very uncomfortable to be viewed as a non-believer on the one hand and a total atheist is among the most despised of all people according to surveys. On the flip side of this, the most admired people have a strong sense of God, Purpose and worship.

    Is it any wonder we all grow up with an extreme pressure to conform to such behavior, attitudes and practices amongst ourselves.

    Religion FAILS people day in and day out because it only offers pretended help in times of woe. When people pray they have to grow accustomed to being ignored. Jesus does not save them nor does God make a way out for them when they are tested beyond what they can endure. Christianity fails in everything except hype, hope and hypocricy.

    The real question you might ask could be reframed slightly to make the answer more profitable.

    Why do people allow religion to dominate them? Answer: because there is simply no effective way to fight it. The numbers against such a view are too overwhelming.

    It is not pro-survival to allign yourself with a group or belief that threatens your safety within the status quo.

    Go along to get along makes the most practical sense.

    Until an effective means of fighting religion comes along that offers more than the fase hope of spiritual delusions the coercive thought police will continue to harass you into compliance.


  • Gary1914

    I believe that some governments actively encourage a belief in religion because it assists them in keeping the peace. Some people will turn away from crime because they feel that God will punish them if they do something wrong. Or, if they do commit a crime some will become remorseful and feel that they have sinned against God. So religion does play a role in maintaining the peace among men in many nations, not just Christian ones.

  • gringojj

    I mean they call themselves the watchtower bible and tract society??????????

    I mean, who the hell has a whole society built around bibles and tracts? Really the name is wierd. When I think of societies, I think of the Audobon Society. I think they are qualified to write articles on the quetzal, or the marabou. There was once an 80's band called the Information Society. I know in Mass here we have the MSPCA(Mass society for the prevention of cruelty to animals).

    People, these are real societies.

    Wake up and smell the coffee!!!!!!!!!

    Your name is stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is not resplendent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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