Does anyones girlfriend/boyfriend get jealous or mad for being on here alot

by not the administrator 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • damselfly

    Mine was a little put off at first but seems to be okay with it now. I think he was mainly concerned that the topics would make me angry or sad, but he understands that I need people to chat with that have the same background as me. He also met a few of the posters in person with me and that helped as they were very nice and down to earth. I do sign off as soon as he gets home so we can chat about our days and have some couple time together.


  • lisavegas420

    My husband is not the jealous type. He will ask what I'm laughing about. Some of you are really very funny.

    He also has met several people on this board, and will ask from time to time what's going on with them.


  • riotgirlpeeps

    My boy isn't jealous at all, actually he tried to join. The password he was given wasn't acknowledged at all and he wasn't able to login. The admins never fixed it so he just doesn't feel he can bother with it anymore. BUT his view of the board is supportive and amused, he feels he needs to learn as much as possible about me to understand where I am now, and recognizes this board is an excellent support for me to learn and grow from.

    As stated many times, balance is needed. Web addiction is a real problem, which could also be the source of resentment. As with all things, even this board, shouldn't overtake the rest of your life and if limited amount of time is available to be spent with the sig other sometimes its just better to compromise with them for the peace.

  • anewme

    Great timing with this topic. I was doing fine for the first week on this forum. Then last night I had a private discussion through the mail box with someone and we really let our feelings loose.

    I actually started feeling really remorseful and sad and downright repentant over things done 4 years ago and even thought to throw myself upon the mercy of elders (who dont even know me in this new town) and apply for reinstatement. (In the light of morning.....yech to that!)

    My new husband has been supportive of a happy transformation if this forum can help me do that. But last night I saw his concern. He is my body guard now. No one, no organization, no forum, no God is going to harm me with him around he thinks.

    I need to back off from this conversation for awhile I think and return to my Zen books........very
    lightweight and guilt free living.......more my style now.

    Thankyou all and goodbye for awhile.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Kev's not jealous. At one point early on he suggested why dont I just let it go, afterall I had for so many years before discovering this site! My explanation was that I had some deeper seated healing that I needed to do. The JW-ism had gotten even more cult-oriented since I left, and I needed some fuel for my family.

    He also saw how it helped me get past my own resentments and reconnect with my elderly JW parents and one sibling.

    He has since met several JWD'ers in the area and find them to be intelligent happy folks.

    His only complaint is I'm online - dialup - when he wants to call me during the day. He now emails me to hang up and call! He will also complain if I am online for more than a couple minutes in the evening or on weekends. Fair enough.

  • thom

    "how old are you thom?"
    not the administrator, I'm 40.

  • not the administrator
    not the administrator

    Thom so your girlfriend is 16 years younger than you right? way to go mines 12 years younger than me and I'm 10 years younger than you. Ive noticed that alot of jws either in or out always seem to have younger girlfriend.has anyone else noticed that?

  • FlyingHighNow
    Ive noticed that alot of jws either in or out always seem to have younger girlfriend.has anyone else noticed that?

    Yes, but sometimes exjws have younger boyfriends, like me. Andy is 14 1/2 years younger. Yes, there are times he feels left out or a little fearful some JWD guy might like me too much. Hehe, I'm too outspoken to be much in danger of that happening. He's a member here, but never reads or posts.

  • Mecurious?


  • FlyingHighNow

    How come?

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