Your scariest or funniest 'out in service' stories!

by out of the box 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    Here goes my stories:

    Funniest: I was with a pregnant sister and we walked into a hallway. She looked up at all those stairs to the third floor! She said she would do the first floor. I had no problem climbing all the way to the top. I knocked on the door (mind you, I am now alone, and in my 20's) and a man came to the door in his robe. When I started talking, he smiled and unloosened his tie belt to his robe and before I knew what was going on, he opened his robe and he was naked!

    I just giggled, turned my head and left. He said 'come back anytime'! I told the sister what happened, she was not amused! The elders did not understand why I was up there alone and why I thought it was funny! It was 'MY' fault it happened because I was young and attractive! My head went around in circles and I just was in a fog over that one for a while.

    Scariest: I walked into a hallway (after a lecture about torture) of an apartment building (an old one with a small narrow hallway). I was alone, the MS that drove us out told me to do one side of the street and he did the other and would meet up with me. I was the only one that showed up that day for service besides him and he wanted to get home early. He had been a rough character in his day, so he was confrontational. I went to this hallway and 4 young men entered the hallway and decided to have 'fun' with the JW. Of course I identified myself right away, so they would KNOW I was a JW. I had pushed a couple of the doorbells and no answer. I was in the corner away from the door. They started to tease me about not letting me out and maybe doing something with me. I was so scared that I thought I would pass out. Just as one guy reached for me, one of the doors opened. They were friends of the guy who lived where I had just rung the doorbell. He took literature from the JWs all the time, so he didn't mind them coming to his door. He laughed and said 'leave her alone, she is cool'. And they all laughed and apologized to me and said 'it was all in good fun'! Of course after leaving the JWs I had NO fear and would speak up for myself, and NEVER go to a place behind doors by myself!

    The brother came back to the car and said that 'someone had pulled a gun' on him during a heated argument! I said 'HEATED ARGUMENT?' I never went near this so called MS bro again! I told him what had happened to me and he laughed and said 'Jah would not have let anything happen to you, you're out in service'!!!!!

    out of the box

  • riotgirlpeeps

    That is scary and the other one is funny.

    Funniest: Out in service with a new family in the hall and a pile of younger sisters, I recognized the house we pulled up to but no one else did. It belonged to an older sister who didn't leave her place much anymore. I went with the girl who had the door and the woman came running out of her house yelling and waving a spoon telling us to get off her property. The girl I was with about fainted. The older sister and I couldn't stop laughing.

    Scariest: I was going with my dad to a study one very windy evening, and we knocked on the door. The study was in his house and about 6 feet away from us but didn't even seem to hear the door. There was no noise coming from his house so he didn't have the tv or radio on. He walked by the door but didn't even seem to see us. We found out later through an aquaintance of my dads that shortly before we were to his house whether a day or two before or that day that the man had beat his girlfriend almost to death, he was a martial arts expert, and had broken most of her bones. Last I heard he was still in prison.

  • banished1

    It was around noon one service day and we were all meeting back at the KH for lunch.
    An older sister (God I loved this older sister) told us of her experience that morning.

    "A young man came to the door in a towel and asked me what I would do if he dropped the towel.
    I looked at him right in the eye and said Mr. if it be somethin I aint never seen before I'd
    shoot it!"

    Oh my God, she had us sisters peeing our pantyhose over that one. Shoot, that was funny!
    Funnier still, the guy laughed too, thought she was hip and took the magazines!
    The sister is dead, but her dropped towel story lives on!

  • Legolas
    Scariest: I walked into a hallway (after a lecture about torture) of an apartment building (an old one with a small narrow hallway). I was alone, the MS that drove us out told me to do one side of the street and he did the other and would meet up with us. I was the only one that showed up that day for service besides him and he wanted to get home early.

    LOL............I'm sorry I just have to ask " How many of you where there?" And what kind of a neighborhood were you working in anyway that a guy would let you go to the doors by yourself??? It was a NO NO in our hall for just a guy and a girl who where not related to go out in service toghter! LMAO

  • out of the box
    out of the box


    You bagged me not editing my post well enough!!! Sorry, When I wrote the story I thought another sister had gone with us, but then as I wrote it I remembered she didn't come. and I should have edited that part. Yes, I went out a few times with just one brother (married) and we worked very professionally together. This guy was lazy and wanted to go home. You see it was ONLY me, a nobody, so he didn't have to perform to the full extent.

    We were in a normal neighborhood in the city! That is why it scared me a bit. The problem, I can see now I was acting meek and 'victim' like and looking at the floor and getting nervous. I should have looked at them in the eye and laughed along with them and pushed my way out of there. I fixed the post, I figured out how to edit my post after I post it!

    out of the box

  • Legolas

    Thanks Outofthebox!!

  • misanthropic

    MY SCARIEST TIME in service was when I was trapped in a car with a bunch of pioneers and they all wanted to go work a small town 2 hours from where we lived. I am too shy to speak up alot of the time, so I just went along with it, even though I would have probably rather shot myself in the head. MY FUNNIEST TIME IN SERVICE was when I was about 15 years old and me and my little sister went to a door together and the man who answered was completely naked (and he was pretty nice looking to boot). Neither of of knew what to do, so I just went on with my offerings of the WT and Awake. I wanted so badly to laugh and she kept giggling which made it worse.

  • Legolas

    One of the funniest times was when our car group was working in the country and we need to go to another sisters house for the bathroom.......Well the sister lived in a trailor with the kitchen window being in the front and she was there doing the dishes....well one of the sisters thought she would scare her by jumping up at the window at she creep up to the window and when she jumped the earth gave way ( there was a small sink hole) and she feel in past her knee's .................Well we laughed so hard we nearly wet ourselves..............We said that she nearly went to hell that day!!!!!!!

    Even as i am writing this I am LMAO.. Ohhhhhhhhh maybe you had to be there!!

  • Dustin

    Funniest - I had to drive an elderly sister's car out in service. She was just an evil old hag anyway, and she wanted to drive. Thing was she was the worst driver in the world. So her car is a freaking boat about 20 feet long. As I pull around a corner a hardhat is laying in the middle of the road. Why I don't know? But, I run over the hardhat and it gets stuck under the car. So I pull over to try and get it out and it's stuck in the dead center. People are watching at this point from their homes as a 25 year old guy with an elderly lady im front and an elderly lady in the backseat are yelling at him while he tries unsuccessfully to get it unstuck. So I can't get it and drive for about three blocks until it kicks out from behind nearly ripping the muffler off!! When I got back I vowed never to go in service with her again.

    Scariest - Memorial day weekend driving with an old guy on a busy highway. He actually almost backed up into oncoming traffic! It was not cool.

  • misanthropic

    Legolas, that is hilarious! That sounds pretty nice that you knew someone who actually had a bathroom you could use. We live in the desert here so no one wants to squat behind a cactus to pee.

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