35 Yrs ago today - We rocked!

by Amazing1914 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing1914

    Skally, Please see my response above to Dave. I was not giving kudos to the JWs. I was stating a fact of history that others agreed matched their experience. Stating a fact is not the same as giving praise. The purpose of the post was to simply acknowledge a 35-year milestone. I think you and Dave made too much of it ... and I also think you both may appreciate my above response to Dave ... maybe it will help you both see some things differently.

    Jim W.

  • jgnat

    I think this article would make a great little brochure for the "older ones" amongst the witnesses. They have a brightness around the eye that is more like madness than vigor.

  • seven006

    GBL. Mind your own business pal. I’m trying to make some big money here. sKally, I appreciate the love, I really do, but, I’ve had love many many times before. I’d rather have the three bucks. Dave

  • jeanniebeanz
    If you read my posts and they help you. You owe me three bucks.

    *writes check, looks for address...*


  • peggy

    Your words meant so much to me. I was "raised" with the 'truth". My mother began studying when I was two, was baptized when I was four. I saw the progression you described with this organization. Your words rang true on it ALL! I have moments that I look back on with fondness, but the fear is foremost in my mind, it is hard to explain to anyone not raised with Armagedon hanging over them. I was baptized in 1974 at age 16. The love appears to be gone, and no paradise. I can't explain what that does to me.

  • kazar

    Jim, thank you for your post. Yes, I remember well the pre-1975 excitement of being one of Jehovah's Witnesses and waiting for the Big A. I was really in anticipation. Your story is so similar to mine. I was also raised a Catholic and endured the same ridicule, march in processions, (May Procession, Graduation, Holy Communion and other Holy Days in Spring and Summer). Having to sell candy which no one would buy from me living in a poor parish. Having my friends, (most of them non-Catholic) make fun of me in my uniforms going and coming from school. The practically all day catechism, making us go to confession straight from school where I could be seen by my friends. Remember the "pagan babies", we had to buy? Try telling that story to a Protestant. The uniforms were so hideous, one could never be cool. I hated it so, that I began skipping school, for which I was expelled. And the anguish of my mother over this! I could go on and on.

    What I did to escape was get married at 15, had two kids by 17 and then I met the Witnesses and converted. I of course brought my kids up in the Witness religion for a few years for which one of them blames me now at his mispent youth (not celebrating Christmas, etc.) It is true what he says; however, this is what I tell him:

    "Get the hell over it"! I did.

    Guess I'm of the "don't want no religion class"

  • Cellist

    Thanks for starting this topic Jim. We look forward to hearing more of your story. Your series was one of the first things we read when we got online. I wasn't raised a JW, but my husband was a teenage JW in that time period. This thread has brought back alot of memories for him.


  • seven006


    I’m not on a soapbox so have a coke and a smile and don’t take what I said in any defensive manner. You have nothing to defend based on my comments. If you took it that way I am sorry. I was just giving my perspective based on being a JW at a younger age than you. I too did the catholic flip-flop when my mom went from one stupid ass religion to another. At five years old I didn’t know weather to do the sign of the cross, flip someone off or shove a watchtower in their face.


  • kazar

    Good post, Dave, and funny! (Monks pummeling with tofu burgers). I feel much better after I've had that laugh. Guess I'm really screwed up, fighting off two religions. I am still trying to help my children cope with the real world (or maybe it's me). Heck, I don't know. I just know it's good to be on this forum where everyone can express their opinions freely.

    of the (post on JWD for therapy class).

  • gumby
    but it has everything to do with trying to equate any kind of happiness with that mind-fargin cult.

    He's just mad cuz he didn't get Freds brown shoes when he died that he used to talk to. He wanted to put them on his mantle. Big baby.


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