How to spot a JW? some questions

by Evanescence 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    They have a strange zombie like look on their faces because they are an oppressed lot they don't have the right of speech in their organisation versus the leadership and its decisions. They think the world is hopelessly satanic and hates them.

    You can annoy them by wearing a big cross they also think that the cross is a satanic pagan symbol. Or wearing a shirt saying Jesus should be worshipped because they hate doing so, being jewish inspired.


    You can spot them a mile off, they are always smart well dressed and gather on street corners in groups of about six or seven, annoying them is dead easy just say you dont agree with them

  • kls

    Hi Evan ya ,just look for the walking dead with book bags and there ya go,,,,a jw .

  • delilah

    Right on KLS and they usually have a glazed look in their eyes, and a "stepford wives smile" on their faces.......


  • potleg
    potleg may want to ask them a few qustions but they see you as a potential member... remember the greek myth of the sierens...? keep in touch here.

  • Honesty

    When they are out in public and not in service (their so-called ministry) it's easy to spot them. Clean cut, no beards, usually no body piercings or tatoos, and they have a very unhappy and miserable look on their faces.

  • Evanescence
    Hi Evan ya ,just look for the walking dead with book bags and there ya go,,,,a jw .

    LMAO!!!!!! thanks guys for the replys! I don't want to annoy them in a negative way just some sort of joke like "Oh I had a huge Birthday cake it was a chocalate mud cake with nice sweet rich Vanilla icing ohhhhhhh yum *Drools* (eats a peice in front of them slowly) "The party was great I invided all my family and friends and we all had so much fun!" Or "hey look I brought some rosary beads on the weekend what do you think of them! don't they look great?" That would be my friendly approach i'll play dumb and pretend I don't know anything about their religion that way I have an excuse to be dumb and they should hopefully think that I am just being nice when really I'm teasing them I just want to have a friendly chat with one of them i'm aware that if I be mean to them it would only encourage their face because of the whole "the world was mean to jesus' thing And questions would be "Why don't you come to my door anymore????? am I really that bad??? I'm gonna cry now! thanks alot I'm gonna jump off a cliff because God's organisation rejected me!!!!! " then i'd walk off crying Nah I'd only do that one if i'm high on sugar and daring enough. lol No don't worry i just wanted to know how to spot one and I'll just have a friendly chat with them, if they start to annoy me then i'll annoy them! Evanescence

  • moanzy

    Just be careful what you ask for! Once they find out where you live you may find yourself unable to shake em.

    Look how long it has taken most of us to get away from them.


  • luna2

    Moanzy makes a good point. I'd try not to let them know where you live if you do manage to find them and strike up a conversation.

  • Evanescence

    lol me and my friends made a joke about that!

    We can imagine jw's walking around saying "we know where you live"

    Oh don't worry I have my ways of scaring them off if they get annoying.... don't you worry *cracks knuckles* Oh yes yes evil thoughts come to mind!

    Evanescence *they will have to find out where I live first!*

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