I Need help!

by cazza 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Hi Cazza - Welcome to the board.

    You have raised a lot of good points here. I can't help thinking that your main motivator here is fear, principally fear of armageddon etc. When people leave the JWs it's hard to shift the fear of Armageddon. The WTS makes it a clear focus of all their activities, as everything you do in the organisation is supposed to go towards your Armageddon protection policy.

    Surely an organisation which uses fear to control behaviour is very far removed from the original concept of Christianity. Time is rolling on and still no sign of the end of the world, each so called 'date' has come and gone. Don't let this fear ruin your life - enjoy what you have now instead of dreading the future.I had so many similar questions about the Paradise Earth and never got any satisfactory answers, just the cover all things response - 'Leave it to Jehovah'.

    The loving God as portrayed by the JWs is not one who would strike down millions of honest, decent people (including innocent children) just because they are not part of a small cult.These two ideas are too conflicting to be credible. If you really push a JW they will have to admit that they believe that everyone who is not part of their org will perish - classic command and control strategy. They are reluctant to say it at times but that is their core belief.

    Please don't torture yourself about this - as you read more on the site you will see that there are many high calibre biblical scholars who are able to point out the misinterpretations of the JWs. I would agree that reading Crisis of Conscience would be a good start - keep reading the site and hope you will stick around.



    If you really want to go back and firmly believe that the Witness way of live is correct then talk to the elders, locally. They will make you change your way of life though re fiance. Families and Jws dont mix, especially if you have non belivers in your family, they dont make room for both them and your family. Its a hard choice, I had to choose between them and my family, I choose my family and am glad I did, they wouldnt have stood by me if I had choose them, but it took me three years to find that out. Good luck x

  • Ellie

    Hi Cazza, I asked the same question about children dieing because their parents left the truth.

    I was told to imagine a family of rats living in my garden, if I where to get pest control in they would not only kill the parents but the children too as they would grow into adult rats.

    I thought this was a really disgusting, sick thing to say.

    I'd recommend you to keep your baby well away from the witnesses and would tell you not to even think about leaving your fiance for them.

  • jaffacake

    Hi, A very warm welcome,

    Don't rush into anything, but please read many posts and investigate the JW history as well as its teachings.

    No human really knows the answers to all your questions. What I have learned from studying the Bible and Watchtower publications and their history, is that JWs have the worst track record of just about all religions for understanding and interpreting scripture, but don't take my word for it. That is why they have such severe censorship - they have been exposed by their own publications. Please don't believe me, you must discover the truth yourself. We could easily prove JWs do not have the truth, but that is purely negative. I would rather you discovered the truth yourself, then you will recognise why it is good news, not what the watchtower teach. There is a wealth of proof that you can check for yourself. Many on this board can recommend some reading.

    In the meantime, you may wish to read the Gospel of John and other New Testament books such as Galatians & Romans. (any version except the NWT). Do you really believe a God who "is love" and "so loved the world" is a God of vindictiveness? That is not what the Bible really reaches.

  • SwordOfJah
  • My mum died when i was nine, she was a witness and i believe and hope that she will be reserrected, if she is and none of her family are there to greet her will she at least know we existed?
  • Regarding the resurrection, there a series of interesting Watchtower articles that were studied in June of this year dealing with that topic. It basically came to the conclusion that everyone in Sheol or Hades would get a chance to resurrect. I believe she will indeed know that all her family existed once resurrected as Jehovah would implant here memories back, such as he did when his son was resurrected with all his memories dating back many years of existence.

  • If my father and step mother rejoin and make it through will she know they were very happily married?
  • You know that the Bible says that the marriage bond is broken at death. I think your mom will know that she was at one time married to your dad, but somehow Jehovah will make sure she does not suffer because he remarried. This not based on anything, just a bit of speculating on my part.

  • My 7 month old daughter is obviously not of an age where she can make decisions for herself, if i dont return to the truth in time will she die? If so is this right? I do talk to her of Jehovah but she is far to young and why should she suffer due to my mistakes and weaknesses?
  • I surely hope Jehovah will make sure she makes it through. But you can also do a lot to ensure that she has a chance.

  • Where will i stand on living with my Fiance, i will not leave him?
  • This is simple. Marriage is beautiful when both parties make an effort, specially following Bible counsel. Why sin when you don't have to?

  • potleg

    Hi and welcome, Like most of us here, it sounds as if your are a little confused by the JW's... take a deep breath... things aren't as bad as you may suppose... Hang in there we can help...lots of us have been in similar circumstances...listen to the replys...WE CARE

  • potleg

    Beware of what the Rubber Sword of Jah tells you, especially on matters of the resurrection etc....

    I call him/her Rubber sword because like the WT they bend this way and that...

    Like Monty python and The Holy Grail their battle cry is...run away, run away...

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