I was brought up as a witness from birth, my mother sadly died when i was 9 and my father remarried a witness who slowly but surely pulled herself and him from the truth. I remained a witness til i was 17 a good 4 or 5 years after my family left. I left the area i was living in suddenly a did attend meetings and continued studying for a while but by now i has left school and was attending college and found it very hard to maintain my studying when everyone i knew was no longer a beleiver. It wasn't that i gave up beleiving but more that i could not do what was expected of me, i was very shy and could not knock doors to spread the word. This is the most important part of jehovahs teaching and expectations so i felt like i was almost wasting my time. I believe in the truth 100% and only wish i could return but feel like i now have a lot to lose if i do. I have friends and a fiance who has never been a witness and has made his feelings clear that although he would not stop me going he would not go with me. I have recently been thinking about the truth due to the birth of my beautiful baby girl and i feel that i have a duty to protect her and teach her the truth, i know that what i do reflects on her even though she is not of an age to make a choice for herself. I have recently had a witness knock my door and have attended a sunday service but really not sure what to do now. I know it won't be long and i have not got a lot of time to make my choice.