I Need help!

by cazza 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • cazza

    I need help making one of the most important decisions of my life, i was brought up a witness and fell away nearly 9 years ago. I firmly believe what i was taught and still believe in the truth. Theres just a few questions i would like asking but never have the opportunity to ask anyone.

    • My mum died when i was nine, she was a witness and i believe and hope that she will be reserrected, if she is and none of her family are there to greet her will she at least know we existed?
    • If my father and step mother rejoin and make it through will she know they were very happily married?
    • My 7 month old daughter is obviously not of an age where she can make decisions for herself, if i dont return to the truth in time will she die? If so is this right? I do talk to her of Jehovah but she is far to young and why should she suffer due to my mistakes and weaknesses?
    • Where will i stand on living with my Fiance, i will not leave him?

    I am sure there are more questions that i have but i will see of i get a response to this first.

  • jeanniebeanz

    *calls 911* cazza, Your post is blank...welcome btw. Jeannie

  • DannyBloem

    Welcome, it seems we did not get your message (it is empty), just try again.

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  • kc2002

    ok on the finance part you know the answer. YOUR NOT MARRIED.

    with the other questions just have faith and know that jehovah will answer your prayers. If you know its the truth then practice it or dont.

    The bible is your manual for life. Start reading and investigating for yourself.

  • kwintestal

    According to JW doctrine, your mom will forever be single and you and your child will die. Isn't Jehovah loving?


  • cazza
  • DannyBloem


    You have many questions that nobody can answer because the things you ask are not in the bible. And even not in the WTS books. Everybody who try to answer those specific things gives only their own thoughts.

    If there is a lovingly God, why do you not trust him for those things.

    Why do you not try to find out more about God, if he really exists, what the bible says etc. Maybe it helps you.

    In your post I read a lot of fear. I do not think you have to be afraid. If you erally believe for example that God will kill children because of you, or whatever, is he worth to worship.

    Just take your time and examine the things. It will make you free, and loose your fear.

    Good luck


  • Thegoodgirl

    Welcome to the board, Cazza.

    Don't stress about the details right now. Just enjoy the people here who are open minded and willing to help out no matter what your decision about you fiancee. Read different posts and stick around!


  • talesin

    Welcome to the board, cazza.

    There are many different folks here, mostly exJWs, but some still are JW, some have never been.

    Stick around, do some reading, find out the real 'truth about the Truth(tm)'.


  • imfreeimfree

    Hi Cazza.

    Warm welcome.

    Here you will find many empathetic people. We are here to support each other, offer encouragement, suggestions and help, when possible.

    Obviously you believe in God. As Danny suggested: “Why do you not try to find out more about God.” My wife and I have been reading the Bible since our childhood, with no regrets. It has helped us in our marriage, given us much peace of mind and has quelled our fears and concerns about the future.

    We were associated with the Witnesses for many decades; I held various positions of responsibility in the organization, however we quit our association recently with the WTBS because it became very obvious that the hierarchy, the governing body of the organization is not following, nor strictly teaching Bible beliefs.

    Please permit me to make some suggestions which may help you.

    Yours fears and anxieties are understandable. Nevertheless, our God and our Lord Jesus care for us; here is what the Bible says: “throw all your anxiety upon him, because he cares for you.” In MHO is it imperative to maintain strong faith in God and our Lord Jesus, through regular Bible reading, this would contribute to your spiritual well being and eliminate some fear and apprehension. Personally, I find much comfort in the assurance given to us by Jesus: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Mat. 11:28.

    Some of the concerns you raise, I am sure no one except God can answer. God is not unjust; he will give an opportunity to everyone desiring life to get to know Him; Jesus even assured the evildoer, he will be resurrected. He forgave those who tortured and put him to death. The Bible assures us: “… that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” Acts 24:15.

    You say: “My 7 month old daughter is obviously not of an age where she can make decisions for herself, if i don’t return to the truth in time will she die?” Be assured, you do not have to “return to the truth” to please God, and you do not need to worry unduly about your daughter. To have God’s approval we need to draw close to Him in our individual, personal relationship with Him and Lord Jesus, and not through an organization. He is a just and loving God.

    May I suggest you read two books written by Ray Franz, former member of the Governing Body: “Crisis of Conscience” and “In Search of Christian Freedom.” These publications have opened the eyes of many thousands to the real truth about the “truth”. They are available at: www.commentarypress.com

    Best wishes.


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