"TRUE" Christianity? My Thoughts..........

by Sunspot 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sunspot

    The WTS takes great pride in announcing that because THEY go from door-to-door to preach their beliefs, that THEY are "chosen" by God to represent him--the ONLY ones who have the right to do so.

    Very misleading advertising, IMHO. The facts being, that followers of Jesus worldwide are living their lives in the true meaning of his teachings as they unselfishly give of themselves every day.

    MY understanding of "TRUE" Christianity vastly differs from that of the Watchtower Society. My reasoning is this;

    They do NOT bang on stranger's doors, or try and get people to read their literature.

    They do NOT attempt to tell others that their religion is unacceptable to God and that in order to be God's friend they MUST convert to being THEIR religion.

    They do NOT claim that they are the only ones who can tell others what God "requires", or tell them what the bible "REALLY teaches".

    They DO spend time, money and selfless energy donating what they have and what they can, to feed and clothe those less fortunate than they are.

    They DO go to the destitute and offer sandwiches, coffee and often money to lend a helping hand to others, never asking what religion they belong to.(OR trying to "help" others WHILE they agree to "study" with them)

    They DO offer soup kitchens and arrange food giveaways.

    They DO have places where clothing and household items can be found either free or at a VERY small price, and medical help and/or advice for those having these problems.

    They DO all these things quietly and modestly, as Jesus said; the key being the HELP given, and not the helpers themselves.

    They do NOT keep track of how many hours they spend talking to someone about their faith, if asked to do so.

    They do NOT have all their "works" tallied up so at the end of the year, they can oooh and ahhh over their "achievements", or how many members they have successfully recruited over the previous year.

    THIS behavior is superficial and shallow and detracts from the very "message" that they carry (flawed as it is). This stands to reason because the religion (the publishing company disguised as...)they represent and slave for----is superficial and shallow, so it follows suit.

    Pushing magazines is NOT Christianity, and the fact that the WTS has the audacity to say that THEY are "real Christians" is both disgusting and appalling to me. Can you even imagine Jesus handing out any scrolls/magazines/tracts when he stood on those hillsides and in the towns and villages where he spoke!

    "Doers of the Word" does not mean the placement of magazines. It means the human contact of seeing where there's a need, and making yourself available to help on a personal level. THAT kind of Christianity speaks volumes, even though you may never utter the word "religion", or imply that those receiving the help---should change theirs.

    GOD knows who you are and what you're doing. HE ALSO KNOWS who is REALLY "quietly giving" and NOT being "rewarded" by a psuedo-religious society who only cares about numbers and how to get them higher.

    Annie.........who is sadder but wiser when it comes to "true" Christianity.

  • kls

    Wonderful Annie and you couldn't be more right

  • PaulJ

    Spot on. The way I see it is this- a Chrsitian is someone who follows christ, or trys to be christ-like. Jesus was perfect, we cant be... we just have to try... if we are christian that is.

  • mrsjones5

    I like your thoughts Sunspot

  • tetrapod.sapien


    nice write up. that's exactly the case. and the christians i have met since i have been out, seem to live up to this description. and the christians on JWD are da best.

    it's amazing how non christian they appear after the fact.

  • urbanized

    This is a great post. I think that the Kingdom of God is kindness and love utmost for neighbor, brother, sister, stranger and self. When I pray for the Kingdom of God to come, I am praying for the spirit of these things to reside within me. Lately I think a lot about the stigma that the JW's attached to all forms of organized charity. I grew up actually believing that the Red Cross, the YMCA, the World Wildlife Federation, etc. etc. were all just a little bit ineffective and sinister. I think the JW mindset promotes a superiority complex and breeds laziness and a lack of concern for fellow humans. It is so easy to sit around and whine whine whine about how bad the world is and yet never lift a finger about any of the problems going on in either the global or local community. It's funny, I just finished getting my degree in Urban Studies. The last time I picked up an Awake (in the last 2 years or so) the cover story was something about 'THE URBAN CRISIS' Of course, I read voraciously to see what the organization would have to say about something I just spent the last 5 years studying. The first half and more of the article read like a standard, if somewhat sophomoric, academic text on the problems, urban blight, crime, sprawl, pollution, etc. etc. With only a few paragraphs to go, the article then took a turn; it basically said: Hey, man can never solve these problems. So let the cities rot, but faithful Jehovah's Witnesses continue to preach the good news of the kingdom to everyone who will listen. I know this is probably obvious, but it was only with the reading of this article that I realized that every single Awake cover article ever written used the EXACT same formula, for every single problem ever. I nearly puked. What a bunch of trash.

  • Sunspot

    Thanks for your comments. I honestly wonder just what a JW thinks of as they push magazines and ignore the plight of others that THEY COULD HELP!

    These are the questions that I wish ones like AFIN, and other WTS apologists/ supporters would come out and ANSWER! I'd like THEM to clear this up and correct any "wrong thinking" on my part.

    Do you suppose that will ever happen?

    Annie........who was never good at holding her breath.

  • urbanized

    Sunspot, They're thinking what I was taught to believe while I was handing them out, and what the literature espouses non-stop. The only way that God's sheep can help the worldly people is to preach, preach, preach to them. Their kind of preaching involves, no, necessitates putting themselves above those they are preaching too. And oh, guess what, they're above spending their time, energy or money on trying to put an end to these problems, since only Jehovah can take care of it anyway. I really don't think it will ever change, because it's all part of 'being no part of this world' which is rule no. one.

  • greendawn

    The point is that selling the products of a multi billion dollar printing business while despising those doing some real christian work is hypocritical. They are not known for their charity works.

  • Honesty

    That's why it is so easy for people to see right through the WT/JW lies and deceptions.

    They talk the talk but never walk the walk.

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