Any anti-experiences?

by DannyBloem 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mapleaf18

    oh yeah, lots!

    Jw gets wallet stolen by fellow JW's kid.

    I worked for JW who owned his own biz. He paid (in the state of NY, USA) me and my soon-to-be boyfriend SEVEN dollars an hour to be computer technicians, mind his shop, do all the parts ordering, janitorial, onsite and offsite network administrator. (of course, he paid his family members 3 times that much and they did absolutely NOTHING all day!) At the time i was fading anyway, so this was more fuel for the fire.

    THEN he cheated my soon-to-be boyfriend out of pay when he renigged on a deal to repair his shop roof (promised him time and a half but at the last minute after the job was done said "nope, you'll get regular pay, i.e. $7 an hour)

    I had my rent money stolen by a budding JW and i saw her at a few assemblies. Never said a word or apologized.

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    when I was a JW I was chosen as the renter out of 100's for a cheap apartment out of others because they found out I was a JW. The landlord would say, 'I'd rather have someone in here that is religious and honest'. But now looking back, it was because it was a 'cheap' neighborhood and I was the cleanest, brightest, and best that would apply for that area!!! I HAD to live there because as a JW, I had to live as cheaply as I could since I could not pursue money. Oh, that did not stop the landlord from raising my rent after I would repaint and fix up the place!!!

    out of the box

  • luna2

    After the one time where I prayed to know the truth and a couple of days later you know who shows up at my door, most of my experiences are anti ones. (Okay, now I know that that was an anti experience too, but at the time it fit the usual WTS drivel about Jah answering prayers...of course, the Mormons came by too, but they were a day late and I was more interested in learning to understand the Bible before I took on a whole new book. Who's answering these prayers by sending cults to your door anyhow? Almost makes a person believe in Satan.)

    I had been cleaning houses part time (because that's what JW's do...and, really, where I lived it was the only sort of part time job that paid anything at all) when I got a call from an almost frantic sis from the KH. She and her husband owned a business and their office manager/secretary had taken an unexpected leave of absence (they thought she'd probably never return...or so they told me) and offered me a job. I thought this was Jehober directing good things my way because I was on the track to baptism, so I took the job. Big mistake #1. I got minimal training fact I was just thrown into the position....and found that Sister Boss was pretty much of a self-centered bitch. Very demanding, made snide jokes at my expense and was generally not a nice person at all (how different from how she acted at the KH!).

    The gal who'd taken a leave of absence (for medical reasons) came back after about four weeks (which I now found out she'd told them she was going to do!) and after a week of trying her out at a different position, they let me go in order to give her back her old job. What bothered me most was not that she got her old job back (they should have held it open for her like they said they would in the first place), it was that they had no concern for a fellow sister-to-be's life (quit all my cleaning jobs and now had nothing), used me until they didn't need me any more, and then tossed me aside. Their whole focus was on what they thought they needed in the moment, to hell with anybody else.

    Big mistake #2: I got a call about a day later from an elder who owned a cleaning business. Being the gullible nitwit that I am, I took the part time receptionist job he offered (another sister who worked for the first set of witnoids had called him telling him of my plight). Again I thought that Jah was watching out for me. I spent the next three years watching this man half-lie, half-cheat, half-work and totally use and stumble many, many people. Working for him was much like being a JW...the deception and lies weren't visible was something that you saw over time (and as he let his guard down).

    I was naive and stupid for sure, but these people were also pretty much the opposite of what WT propaganda said they should be. What mystifies me is why I was so blind about the organization even after these experiences.

    Like LouBell said...seems like an awful lot of JW's are users and takers, worse even than the worldly people they so despise.

  • reagan_oconnor

    12 years ago, when I was an 18-year-old JW, I stole money from my JW roommate. I got caught, paid restitution & apologized to her.

    I had an abortion when I was 18 (baby's father was also a JW).

    Funny... now that I'm no longer a Dub and have become a *true* Christian, I feel more remorse than I ever did as a JW.

  • crazyblondeb

    One of the hospitals I worked at in the Dallas area hired a new public relations person. They were impressed by the way she dressed and carried herself. It didn't take long and she started meddling with patients that were JWs. She'd help herself to their medical records, which she had NO legal or ethical reason to access. That breached confidential information. There were a couple cases when she'd call the elders of their congregation before we'd even have them fully admitted. At the same time she'd take it upon herself to talk to their doctors. It didn't take long for her and I to cross paths--and it was not pretty! Needless to say, it didn't take long for her to lose her job. Then she had the gall to try and get me in trouble. She blamed me for raising so much hell with administration! OK, I am guilty of that! Couldn't help myself there!

    And I loved every minute of watching her squirm. After that experience, a guy in the human resource department said that he couldn't use religion to discriminate and not hire someone on that basis, BUT.......As far as I know, there are no JWs employeed there!!



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