Help me handle this louser

by Cupcake 36 Replies latest social relationships

  • jgnat

    To waste more than three brain cells on this fool is too many. Forget him.

    Proverbs 23:9
    Do not speak to a fool, for he will scorn the wisdom of your words.

    Arguing with him will just make you look as stupid. I want to more know about the guy who DID get you the flowers. Are you spending some of your brain cells getting to know him?

  • Cupcake

    actually NO turns out hes a x con just wanting attention saw me and said it was love at first sight. im having problems with him its like fatal attraction. i think he knows he dont have a chance with me and he figures buying roses will win me over . actually i feel for him cuz he needs lots of attention. but he is a gang member and x con and im not interested. he mistook kindness and understanding for some kinda romantic interest

    yeah i know I attract real winners... How sad is that

  • Cupcake

    i work with the louser hes im my face almost evry day.

  • talesin
    he mistook kindness and understanding for some kinda romantic interest

    Typical behaviour ,,, these types can't comprehend that you might make an attempt at platonic friendship ,,, lesson I had to learn as well, can't be kind and understanding to some guys who are having problems (esp. those who on the rough side of things) without them taking it the wrong way. Their culture only sees two types of women,,, madonna (mom) and whore (all other wimmynz).

    actually NO turns out hes a x con just wanting attention saw me and said it was love at first sight. im having problems with him its like fatal attraction

    Don't be nice about it ,,, have your LEAVE ME ALONE backed up by police (just file a stalking report) or a male friend(s) who will scare the bejesus out of him. Not safe!


  • Robdar

    What doofdaddy said.

  • talesin
    Talesin...scorned PEOPLE are vengeful.....women are just as bad as men. :)

    EF, I agree.
    The stereotype is women, though,,,
    And I was answering a question about a MAN. We have several threads lately about how us women are all shrews and whores, THIS thread is about a man who is displaying stalking behaviour,,, get it, the question is about a MAN .... duh. Can we stay on topic instead of being overly-sensitive about semantics?
    Mec,,, actually, scorned men commit VIOLENCE against women much more than the other way around ... this is serious business. Why not stick to the topic and do your usual womyn-bashing on the threads intended for it?
    xo tal

  • Mecurious?

    I agreed with EF right here:

    Talesin...scorned PEOPLE are vengeful.....women are just as bad as men. :)

    Good Point!

    Then you post this nonsense:

    Mec,,, actually, scorned men commit VIOLENCE against women much more than the other way around ... this is serious business. Why not stick to the topic and do your usual womyn-bashing on the threads intended for it?

    What! I can't even agree with someone who I consider to be right? I wasn't women bashing anymore than Evil-Force was, excuse me for having an opinion. I won't even comment on the inaccuracies of what you posted , think and believe what you want to even if your dead wrong.



    Have a nice day!

  • Cupcake

    these lies have made me so sick i dread going to work every day even after comfront him he acts as if he has done nothing wrong and or can not even look at me or even say he is sorry for all the wrong he has done

  • nilfun

    Next time this guy starts any more of his non-work related nonsense with you, interrupt him with: "Hold that thought, m'kay?" Then walk away.

  • SixofNine


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