Witness Kids SUCK

by RichieRich 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    I'm sorry you have to endure that. I'm sorry too that the worldy people I try to explain jw life to often don't really believe me. How long till countdown is complete? carla

  • kid-A

    I can only speak for the old Toronto scene, but christ, we used to have some wild parties! I recall at least 3 that ended with the police showing up. There was an inordinate number of toronto JW kids into the punk-alternative scene and this was always reflected in the music and dancing (I remember some awesome slam dancing at some of those jw parties!) Its hard to believe it looking back...how the hell did we get away with it? I do recall though hearing from some old american JW friends that the dub parties in the states were way tamer then the ones in canada (at least ontario)....those were some of the VERY few good memories I actually have being a teen-age dub...

  • RichieRich

    I must say I've made a new friend in Generic Man... But thats another thread.

    You see, I realize witness parties occasionally get out of hand, and this one was not exactly for the saints. owever, I got upset over how these people are being mislead.

    Like I said, I NEVER get upset like this. However, it just kind of hit me last night.

  • upside/down

    The Dub kids I knew were off the charts wild...when out of sight of the adults...

    They WERE angst.

    You obviously were with the elders kids or the "goody" (up and coming golden boys and ass kissers...and the Dub-babes that will marry them) group.

    You "concentration camp" analogy is dead on...only the gate is open with no lock...and everyone's free to just walk out...but chooses to stay.


    u/d (of the takes one to know one class)

  • 144001

    We had no parties to speak of. Everyone was too cheap or intolerant to host a party of teenagers at their house. I remember the one I did go to; they played Watchtower games. No beer, just Kool Aid (literally!). I did enjoy the fistfights that I occasionally engaged in with some of the "brothers," right in the front of the kingdom hall. I laugh when I think of what it must have looked like to passers by! Some more of that "agape love" the Witnesses are famous for!

  • upside/down

    Remember this...?


    not to hijack...just to reaffirm what you said...


  • RichieRich

    Witness boys are pnssies.

    They (for the most part) are soft spoken, and spineless.

    Ive got to go to the meeting... but I've got plenty of thoughts for later on...

  • rebel8

    I remember endless talks from the platform about entertainment, after almost all the kids in my cong got DFd and DAd. I was one of the few left. I was constantly hearing talks and getting lectures about how great and fun being a JW is. Specific things I remember (caution: do not continue reading until you have cleared your mouth of all food and drink because you're gonna laugh):

    • "Why would anyone want to leave the Truth? We have real fun. We play Bible games at 'get-togethers' and go to parks together."
    • "Why would anyone want to go to a bar? We can have more fun dancing at 'get-togethers'."

    Now I don't know about you, but if anyone tried to dance at a get-together without one of the elders closely supervising, the fun police would either stop us or bring us to the back room if they heard about it later. Didn't matter what type of dancing or music it was, it was all bad. And those Bible games........!! Eewwwww. And going to parks! Gimme a break. When you're a teenager or older, going to a park does not qualify as a really fun time (usually).

  • GetBusyLiving

    I was always the bad "marked" kid in highschool. I had showed up at few of those parties drunk and the results were pretty funny in hindsight.. we played Bible character Pictionary and I drew the most raunchy sex scene you could ever imagine of David and Bathsheeba. I swear to you.. the witness kids expressions were PRICELESS.


  • Soledad

    At least you all got invited to these "get togethers." I never was. I wasn't "strong in the truth."

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