Trying to get people to "support" pioneers!

by LongHairGal 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • upside/down
    Do you think they report all these EARNINGS to the IRS???!!! Nope!!!


    And that is "technically" much for paying back Caesars Salads things to Caesar.

    I knew some "heavies" that were counting on living off of the WTS payroll...the whole C.O. "deal"... they were not to be pitied...they were self-serving and sponges who didn't WANT to work... and hid behind the veil of "serving Gawd" like all hypocritical clergy do.

    Get a job like the rest of us...

    u/d (of the pioneered 5 years and ALWAY paid his own tab class)

  • Netty

    I remember a pioneer sister, who was given EVERYTHING, by the congregation. Her parents should have been supporting her to pioneer, but they didnt (other than let her live with them). People always bought her meals, not only during breaks out on service, but whenever there was a get together she never, ever paid. Someone always filled her car up with gas. People bought new clothes for her, and gave them to her. People gave her cash for spending money. bought her bookpbags, purses, make up, name it, she was showered with gifts, gifts, and more gifts.

    I was around her alot when this happened, and the part I didnt like was, she thoroughly expected it from people. She could have had a part time job, to support her pioneering, but she didnt, because she didnt have to.

    I understand about those who have to support their families while pioneering, of course they should take the handouts without feeling bad, thats an ok thing. But this girl totally, 100%, took advantage.

  • katiekitten

    Yea, but Netty, was she pretty? Cos in fairness, thats a different matter. The beautiful people deserve to be looked after and fawned over and treated like princesses.

  • Dawn

    I would not give $$ to a pioneer now - obviously - because I don't agree with what they are teaching. However, I wouldn't condemn someone else who did. Bottom line is, giving really does more for the giver than the receiver - IF it is done with the right heart. If you're giving because you think you HAVE to, and you resent it, it is definately not going to benefit you emotionally.

    However - there have been studies and numerous medical journal articles written about the positive effects of "charity" - when it is done willingly. I recently read a very interesting article on a study done on this subject. The physical effects that a person experienced after performing an act of charity ranged from simple changes such as elevated mood, to lowered blood pressure, and even a positive increase in their immune system. Pretty interesting stuff.

    Bottom line - if you gave to a pioneer because you WANTED to, then don't feel bad about. You did a good thing for your body . And if you gave to a pioneer because you thought you HAD to, well, that's just a lesson learned.

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