Trying to get people to "support" pioneers!

by LongHairGal 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LongHairGal

    This was one topic that used to make me furious!

    Here the bible makes it perfectly clear that back then they supported their own ministry by working. There is also the scripture about "counting the cost" implying that one should not undertake any project without making an assessment as to whether or not they could do it. But yet they always used to make statements about how we should "support the pioneers". At first I thought it referred to working with them as a partner out in service. Not necessarily so! What it meant was that they wanted the suckers in the congregation to "give" to the pioneers. Well, I was never stupid enough to do this! I wonder, however, if some in the cong. thought they were benefiting themselves by "giving" to a pioneer! Almost like in the catholic church when people put money in the basket or when people give money to the homeless. Maybe they thought they would be "saved" for doing this. But, if you examine the dub teachings, you must realize that everybody is supposed to be preaching. There is presumbly no dispensation for anybody. So, anybody who gives to a pioneer with that reason in mind is only fooling themselves if you analyze it. So, why give to them? You would in effect be paying for their everlasting life and the joke would be on you.

    I often wonder if they are in a sneaky way trying to "morph" into a paid clergy class.


  • minimus

    I gave pioneers money, gifts----even bought them a washer and dryer. Stupid, huh?

  • Huxley

    Maybe they could manufacture some of those "I support..." ribbons and sell them at the literature desk.

    "We support our pioneers and their families."

    Your suggested donations are appreciated. (and will be used to further the worldwide work heh heh heh...)


  • lisavegas420

    I remember my dad giving his credit card to a pioneer so she could fell her gas tank up. But I didn't know that's what was meant by supporting the pioneers. Like you I thought supporting them meant going out in the service with them. But usually they had their own little click.


  • Emma

    There were times when I pioneered that help really made a difference. I moved to a small town with minimal employment opportunities; I cleaned houses, worked in a slaughter house and meat packing plant, basically did anything I could to support myself. There were times when I couldn't even afford to buy a pair of twenty five cent stockings and little things people did for me really were appreciated.I know not everyone pioneers like this, and the truth is that I could only take it for a few years.

    So while having someone to go in "service" really made a difference from having to plod along by myself, and being invited into homes for meals or just to chat helped the lonliness,the material things occasionally given helped, too.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Who ever says that the WBTS does not have a paid clergy class is flat out lying!!!

    The JW's paid clergy class are:

    1)- Pioneers (Special)

    2)- Missionaries

    3)-Circuit Overseers

    4)-District Overseers

    5)-Bethelites (All working in branches throughout the world)

    6)-Worldwide construction work personnel.

    I think I've covered them all.

    Every time these people visited the congregations I've attended I'd have an argument with my husband. These individuals get all their expenses (food, clothing, lodging, health insurance, cars, gas, other fees, etc.) paid by the congregations or by the WBTS directly, plus all brothers and sisters offer their services to them for nothing; on top of that there's always some money collection for them because "they are in the service of Jehovah full time".

    Burns me up inside oh so badly!!!


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    .......and the GIFTS, THE GIFTS these individuals received from the brothers and sisters are incredible!

    Fine clothing. Vacations, all expenses paid. THE BEST!!!

    Do you think they report all these EARNINGS to the IRS???!!! Nope!!!


  • LongHairGal

    Further to my own comments:

    I felt this attitude of them wanting us to "$upport" pioneers contributed to a dead-beat mentality which, sadly, is noticed from time to time there. Regarding the scripture about "counting the cost": this applies to the pioneer themselves. But few do, it seems. There were a few appalling persons who I felt should get the hell off the pioneer list and get a job. They had no business purposely living on the edge expecting a handout.

    I noticed that nobody commented on my last thought about them "morphing" into a paid clergy class. Do you think this is an impossibility? I don't. There were a few pioneer couples I knew who would LOVE nothing more than to be SUPPORTED by everybody else!

  • greendawn

    Even though I don't agree with the WTS teachings and policies I think they should help those that serve them full time I wouldn't give them a penny because they are promoting a cultish organisation but they should support their own even offer pensions to those that spent a life time working for their org.

  • Thegoodgirl

    Ah, my favorite subject.

    Doubtfully yours, not so fast. Though some help out the pioneers when they have to, it certainly isn't like the high life. My mom was the "single mom pioneer" and we got help, but not that much. Sure, my mom definetly should have gone back to school, or moved close to her parents, or worked full time, but instead she chose to pioneer. But people were certainly not shoving money in our pockets. I'm grateful for all the help they did give, though.

    It' is annoying though. I was talking about this on an earlier post. Do you continue supporting them when you aren't a JW anymore, but they are related to you? Anyone would help out a relative in need, but if that relative is Choosing to be in need...

    But anyway, it's complicated.

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