A special Christian message to terrorists.......

by WingCommander 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien
    I was really only messing around, and trying to lighten up the atmosphere with the cartoon. C'mon, I was just kidding!! I would never believe that Jesus loves terrorists!!

    sorry man.

    of course, i didn't picture some cartoon. i pictured some Photoshopped image of jesus blessing george dubya. LOL.

    but i have had those thoughts floating around in my head lately anyways. so please accept my appologies, and just let it go on the record that that is how i feel about the issue in general.

    so thanks for letting me get that out, but at the same time, sorry for raining on the fun parade.



  • hopelesslystained

    right on! tetra. i like the way you think! hope

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey wingcommander,

    do you still have that cartoon coming? i eagerly await it.

    BTW, you have to host it on a web server somewhere before it can be seen here. you can't just upload from your computer.

    let me know if you need some web space. i'll put it on my web server if you like.



  • RichieRich

    I'm with tetrapod.

  • Forscher

    Way to go Wingcommander! And welcome to the board!

    Careful Tetra. Not every believer thinks that Bush is God's gift to humanity. Many considered him the lesser of the evils put forward by the election process here.


  • kazar

    Welcome to the board, WingCommander. And, that was a good post, Tetrapod.

  • zulukai

    Tetra!! Do not feel bad. When people post stuff we all sometimes jump in with our thought of the moment. I personally like a mix of funny and serious. Your comments were right on by the way, thought provoking, even as we laugh about the jokes.

  • kid-A

    Swift military actions?

    Lets see: bomb the hell out of Iraq killing thousands of innocent civilians and occupy a muslim country that had nothing to do with 9-11 and

    simultaneously establish the new Iraqi state which is now the biggest terrorist and jihadist training camp in the world and at the same time

    let Bin Laden tip-toe through the opium fields in Afghanistan? Thanks Dubya....good plan!!!

  • upside/down
    I personally like a mix of funny and serious.

    I agree... and do.

    Tp...very nice! We have an accord.

    u/d (of the "God's" a joke and no ones laughing class)

  • stillajwexelder

    and the next time India and Pakistan go to war let us not interfere -any of us - especailly the UN security council

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