Being a JW mother, I really don't understand how these women do it.

by Dragonlady76 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • calamityjane
    But I do get a chuckle from those who put their kids on leashes

    OMG, I use to hate parents that would do that to their kids. Bunch of hillbillies.


  • mapleaf18

    LOL my parents used a leash on me and that was back in the early sixties!

    I can't IMAGINE my boyfriend's kids sitting still for like 2 minutes never mind 2 hours. they attend lutheran church services with their mother but it is all geared toward kids (cut and paste, colouring, cookie baking, etc. to hold kids interest). they have vacation bible school and there are a lot of activities planned which i think is very nice.

    of course, when you are a dub kid, you really are never a "child;" you're expected to act like a full-grown adult from infancy.

  • mrsjones5

    I need a leash for my almost 2 year old, he hits the ground running.

    He knows how to open the front door and if he can get out he's off running down the street (he has done this a few times).

    If we go out to like a park I have to keep him for the mostpart in his stroller or he's gone.

    Yes I do let him out every once in a while, but the kid is fast.


  • kittyeatzjdubs
    But I do get a chuckle from those who put their kids on leashes...

    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! my mom used to actually put me on one of those. it fit around my wrist and gave me about 3 feet of freedom. haha! i had forgotten all about that...i can't blame her of course for doing it. i have always had a very short attention span and would easily wander off and forget where i was coming from.

    thanks for the laugh!

    luv, jojo (of the what were we talking about? class )

  • mapleaf18

    hell, my mom and dad had a full BRIDLE on mine. none of this cute little wrist to wrist thing. you could literally pull the kid off the floor; it was a harness contraption. my dad, being the sadistic little super-dub that he is had a laughter fit from it and thought it was an incredibly good thing.

  • RichieRich

    I see those people walking by, and I just think "Who's walking who?"

  • greendawn

    It has to be hard, working and being a housewife and having to do all the jw duties, meetings and fs, and I suppose only the grand mothers can help a little if they happen to be around.

  • candidlynuts

    i have 4 kids.. i used any and every excuse to stay home from the meetings lol.

    " honey i cant go tonight baby has a cold..."

    " honey i cant go tonight baby has a tummy ache"

    " honey i cant go tonight everyone at the hall has the flu and you know they will attend even though their sick! i just got baby well from last week i dont want him catching something again!"

    when i did go it wasnt a problem. i have 6 brothers and sisters , the kids had 2 grandmas that went.. the kids got lots of attn which they loved and we took up an entire row so they were able to lay on the floor and color or play quietly. they'd only get fussed at if they threw something across the hall.. dad drove a seperate car cuz he wanted to get there as early as possible to brown nose , he did mikes so he wasnt there a lot to be a problem. if brother attendant asked me to take a loud kid out , i'd pack them all up and go home. which really pissed brother attendant off if he hadnt done the head count yet.

    service... the ex went more than me, i'd go when i could leave one or two or three home with him or grandma.

    spankings.. they didnt get spankings .i was always glad to get a reason to go to the B hall and turn them loose and just turn the speaker on (if i remembered to). the worst they got was a smack on the hand for throwing stuff..... (dunno why the sound of a listening to the great teacher book hitting the wall was so entertaining to them, maybe it was cuz everyone else would laugh lol)

  • christopherrobin

    Too sad--I wasn't raised one but I saw that sooo much.

    The sad thing was seeing the mothers (especially single ones ). Thay ALWAYS had that deer in the headlights look.

    Sad too, were even the intact families that couldn't even have a nice long dinner to chat--check on your day, make sure homework was done and to be home at 10:00--no wonder that didn't have the enrgy to check their lives.

    And not letting kids be kids--Sat morn was to play, do work w/ the family, etc.

  • Dragonlady76
    And not letting kids be kids--Sat morn was to play


    As a kid I went to school 5 days a week + meetings + bible study, then no rest on Saturday, no time for the Saturday morning cartoons, oh no we had to go out in service. On Sunday it's back to the kh again and more field service, If there was a holiday and school was guessed it.... more field service! JW kids never get a chance to be kids. I mourn the loss of my childhood everyday.


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