Dad's and daughters...

by Frog 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frog

    Lately I've been feeling incredibly frustrated by the relationship I have with a few members of my family who aren't attached to the org, or just hanging in by a thread. My dad is one such person, love him to bits, but he really gives me the sh*ts with his poor me act grrrr. I just get tired of always being the one who calls, who stays in contact, who visits etc. Decided I was fed up with it and if he really cares he would be the one to contact me. Don't get me wrong when we talk these days we can go on for hours, we've so much in common, and I know he loves me very much. He's still in the org, but has turned into a fence dweller over the last couple of years. He's far too intelligent to be a mindless sheep forever. Anyway, I haven't called him in a little while and I got this text message last night:)

    "How's my mouse: Dux (re uni), house boss (re my new job), world traveller, galaxy hitchhiker...hope you're well, dad & spud (his dog) xxxxx

    It took us years to teach him how to text, so that was quite an effort on his part! Anyway I feel all warm and fuzzy. Sometimes I guess it pays to hang back and give them a chance to respond to youfrog of the loves her dad class, and wishes he'd come completely into the light.

  • Billygoat


    The father/daughter relationship is a very special one. I'm glad to see that Dad is taking a bit of initiative. I put my foot down several years ago and told my folks that I wasn't going to contact them anymore since it just seemed to be a one-way street. In about 12 years, I called all the time, they never called. When they realized I meant it, they started calling and emailing. More the last three years than in the 12 before that! In fact, the last two weeks I've emailed back and forth with my dad about 6 times. Short, sweet, fluffy stuff, but so far, nobody's in tears...which is a feat in itself! LOL

    Best wishes to you and your pops!



  • Frog

    That's really wonderful Andi:) Know what you mean re 'fluffy' stuff, but it's all welcome all the same. Tis nice to have some resemblance of a normal relationship with your folks, even if it's just tastes every now and then:)

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    My JW, ex-elder dad called me, and wished me a happy birthday. I studdered and said thanks. I quickly changed the subject to my child. What do you all think of this?

  • misspeaches

    Hi H.L. I know what you mean. My diehard JW mum acknowledged my B'day this year for the first time ever... I was in shock.

  • Dustin

    Hey Frog, I'm glad that things are going well for you with your classes and your family. Patience can really pay off sometimes, and I'm glad to hear that you are finally getting results. It would be nice if he could finally quit the dubs. I hope to hear from my dad sometime again. I doubt it will be for a while again though.

  • Frog

    Wow HL, I can understand why you might be a bit taken back by that one! Sounds like he's trying to reach you on your level, which I guess is a good thing.

    Thanks Dustin matey, yeah you're definitely right, after a while all the hard work does start to pay off. Be patient with your dad, my dad has shocked me in many ways. Not to say things are perfect, but with times our relationship has improved dramatically. I always thought it would be my mum to pull through, but it's been my dad the whole way. It's nice to be surprised in this way:)

  • katiekitten

    Wow thats great, frog. Whats a 'dad' again?

    Im guessing here, but is it that adult creature your mum looks after thats lives in your house, doesnt say much, doesnt wash, cook, clean, communicate, or do anything spontaneous? Sometimes leaves for a packet of cigarettes and never comes back. Or is it that mythical beast that inseminated mum, and was never seen again? Well, come on, that one ranks with Santa and the tooth fairy. Inseminated mum??? I dont think so. She just made that up so we would have something to tell the other kids.

    Hmmm, I must get myself one.

  • Frog

    Oh Katie, you crack me up! I don't really want to start getting visuals of my dad 'inseminating' my mum, yeash. My "dad" too is one of those pretty useless creatures, but all the same if I'm going to continue being related to him, it's nice to see he makes some effort now and again.

    If you're gonna get yourself a new daddy, I'd suggest one of the sugardaddy variety preferably with Sean Connery of ten years ago looksfrog

  • sass_my_frass

    That's great news Frog and Billy! I'm so worried about my Dad, the last few years have been tough for them in their world, my rebellion has split the family in so many ways, and Dad is one of the victims; my folks actually stood by me and now they're paying the price - my siblings have almost completely cut them off. So for now I'm okay with being the one who makes the contact; maybe they'll one day realise that the only kid contacting them is the one they're not supposed to be talking to. It might make them wonder who the Christian is.

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