"The Truth" about Higher Education

by Ozner 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • upside/down

    I loved the line at the conventions....You can only pursue higher education if it is to support your pioneering!

    So if you're not going to be pioneering... You're doomed to being a dumbsh*t.

    How is that logical?

    u/d (of the smarter than the average bear class)

  • Ozner


  • Ozner


    My original posting above was written in a hurry and not well thought... What I original wanted to explain was the situation that the WTS doctrine about Higher Education is "Do not, you can better become a plumber, so we can use you for WTS buildingprojects etc.. etc.. etc..". But some staff-members at Brooklyn and Peterson are well educated (Chu & Pellechia and maybe some more) and advertise it well as it benefits the WTS imago. There is a difference between the inside & outside WTS-world.

    Also the legal-office, computersystems-office, accountant-office and tressury-offices at Brooklyn Heigts must be well popultated with Higher Educated people.

    The difference between doctrine in magazines and talks at assembly's with the real daily WTS-world, I can not stand it, and could be / is a reason for my dubble thoughts about the intension of the WTS organisation.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Higher education was discouraged when I was growing up. That wasnt too much of a problem for me at the time as I didnt feel I was college material. In hind sight this is a very sore issue for me. My sister had all the brains and she could have really done something with her self if given proper guidance and education. My younger brother however had my parents foot the bill for his college experiment of about a year and a half. He ended up quitting because he's irresponsible and stupid (I love him but that doesnt mean he's not stupid). Because there's ten years between him and myself the prevailing Witness view had shifted enough in those years for it to be acceptable for him but not for my self or my sister.

  • howie

    I am sure glad I am no longer a JW. The "back and forth" doctrinal flip-flops (higher education for example), is nonsense. If only JWs would use a little common sense, they would realize that this comes from men, not God, because God does not keep changing his mind about something! lol Chalk it up to mind control! I have a 4 yr degree by the way, and very proud of it (3.6 GPA). don't have to work for peanut wages anymore, and not one ounce of guilt!

  • Del

    Hi Ozner...do you think their intentions are a) get everyone to be a tradesperson so they can use the free labour, b) keep everyone as ill-educated as possible so they will be less likely to see the 'truth' or c) both of the above? The higher-education p'd me off as well...I love law and wanted nothing more than to study at uni, but nope I got discouraged and was told to do something practical like become a secretary. I'm studying law now...finally, and I think I'm managing to un-brainwash (or re-brainwash?) my mother. I've been harping at her for three years that it is getting more difficult to get well-paid jobs without a degree. It's getting really competitive and experience without the piece of paper loses out against experience with the piece of paper. She's actually starting to agree with me *gasp*. I can only hope I can de-program her in relation to other things.

  • zagor

    I've posted this before but here it is again.

    It is easier to control idiots than educated people. That’s why higher education is discouraged. Nevertheless, that will prove to be achilles heel for dubs, in the end a profound lack of educated people will mean that WTBS will eventually make itself obsolete in today's world as average level of education grows.
    I mean even people that just have a high school diploma but watch channels such as National Geographic and Discovery have got more profoundly developed cognitive abilities than most people in

  • Del

    Yep, I agree it's easier to control idiots than well-educated people...so why would someone, say a family member of mine, who is intelligent, analytical, had a high powered job and after retiring was offered various CEO of medium sized company positions yet turned them down to become a dub! IQ wise, above average...I can only think that the borg was a replacement for his previous high-powered job...in the borg he got respect, power (became an elder in record time), it's run with strict rules etc...I just can't come up with an explanation.

  • kid-A

    I would agree the borg should fear the drones going to university, nothing compares to a university education in terms of developing critical faculties and analytical reasoning. However, although I did go to university and went all the way with my education, I had decided by the age of 14 that this was all bogus. In high school I read Freud and Nietzsche and that completely liberated my mind, long before I ever had my first university lecture. Similarly, I know many people that questioned the dogma and escaped never having gone to university while several dubs that did go to university (including relatives) certainly were able to maintain their "faith" (i.e. brainwashing). The point is, I dont think the borg fears the psychological effects of university education so much as the economic impact of having their youngest, most energetic publishers devoted to school instead of peddling the magazines (by the way, is this honestly still the major source of revenue for the WTS?) Regardless, in many ways, I think the people that are going to eventually escape KNOW they are going to get out at a very early age.....I honestly think that religiosity and the likelihood of remaining a loyal drone is an in-born trait, possible with a genetic component and a natural, in-born tendency towards magical thinking and superstition. Think I will do a med-line search on this!

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