Wandering during the meeting is it getting worser? Or maybe betterer!?

by mkr32208 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Is it possible that you are considered to be present or "in attendance" at the Kingdom Hall, but you have to go there at the start of the meetings? Then afterwards, when the meeting is in session, you can sneak off to the parking lot. Sort of like "keeping up appearances" where it counts the most, and then when you get the chance, escape.

    Kind of like high school kids who have to go to school and attend classes to avoid being marked "absent", but then after the attendance roles are taken, they skip out.

    Rod P.

  • Lilycurly

    Hmmm...I remember physically being there all through the boring meetings, but my mind was wondering the whole time, just like they constantly advise against. lol I would make out these little movies and stories in my head, being the imaginative person that I am. Some of them quite innapropriate about cute elder's sons and such. Naughty!lol

  • metatron

    Inner city congregations are the best for goofing off during the meetings. You slip outside

    and go next door to the bodega and buy some Ring Dings and a Yoohoo and go into

    a chocolate induced coma. Much better than any Service Meeting.


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