Help - shunning stories needed

by Mr Rocky 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Garnet

    I am not currently df'd or da'd - neither is my hubby.

    but we have been shunned on occassion and were also marked before our wedding. We were both in horrible car accidents and have been unable to attend meetings. I spent all of my free time taking care of him, switching off with his mom - you see he had a brain lesion and almost died (he was struck by a drunk driver). He did everything right, refused transfusion (actually, his mother did that for him), they refibulated him twice, etc... Anyway, I was accused of having prematial sex, with someone who was a complete vegetable, and couldnt even move out of bed. I denied the acusation, and before I knew it, we were marked.

    So this happened about 1 month before our wedding, we still went on "with the show" - 2 weeks prior, hubby went to 1 meeting because the elders wanted to talk to us (go figure) and we were told that we could not longer use the KH and also that no one felt that we were spiritually mature enough to get married.

    On to the "shunning" out of the 150 (*&^%$) who came to our wedding - 1 person talks to us. no one EVER made an effort to see how we were doing, if we needed help - 4 years later, I am still in and out of hospitals, hubby is still having surgeries, NOTHING. Not even a phone call...OH except that one time when I got a call from someone in my wedding party to see if I was "still attending meetings" and when she heard I wasnt because of my health, she abruptly ended the conversation and I never heard from her again.

    Although it isnt as severe as losing my family, since my family isn't in the hurt. I considered the elder that was going to marry us as a parent to me - I dont hate any of them..I feel pity. As they don't have love.

    I love you all - Garnet

  • Mr Rocky
    Mr Rocky

    Hi Garnet. Oh that is sad! All 149 people ate your food and wedding cake but won't even talk to you! Your story reminds me of one where a young member committed suicide and no one was allowed to go to the funeral. All of the elders refused to do the funeral too! My friend at the time Blaine Safstrom( Portland Ore. area) who was dedicated but not a elder did it. Funny though Blaine hasn't talked to me since I quit going 7 years ago. guess we all get love twinges from time to time then back to the borg.

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