What did you do as a child (or adult) to survive boredom during meetings?

by Wasanelder Once 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • greendawn

    As an adult just read Bible verses that I found interesting.

  • AnnOMaly

    As a child, daydream.

    Now I doodle in the WT margins and look for wild assertions to question and find scriptural counter-arguments for. And daydream.

  • LyinEyes
    ..the one with the guy with his head thrown back and his mouth wide open where if you blocked out his neighbor just right, it looked like he had two right arms.

    LMAO!!!!! Blew my drink out of my nose...........omg , I remember that guy in the songbook!!!

  • delilah

    I remember watching other younger kids, seeing what they were doing to ease their boredom. In one hall, there was a teenaged boy, who used to sit wedged between his parents, and eventually he'd put his arms around the back of his dad's chair. Well one day, as he did this, he wound up slowly brushing some dandruff from the back of his father's jacket. He got so carried away with it, that he was flinging dandruff all over the person directly behind him, who leaned forward and told him to stop. I nearly laughed my head off. Then, there was another kid, who would sit at the edge of his chair, clasp his hands together, and wave them furiously like a flag, back and forth, until one day, he fell right off his chair. I, of course had pointed him out to my brothers and their friends, and when the kid fell over, we all roared our heads off. I will never forget that kid, he was crazy!!!! He gave us a lot to laugh about during those boring meetings. The other thing I used to do, was use sign language to "talk" with my friend and her sister during the meetings.. my friend went on to use her skills at the assemblies....


  • katiekitten

    I used to fill in all the O P D & B's in with ink. Gets pretty tedious.

    As a kid I used to roll my white socks down in as tight a roll as I could, then roll them up again, then down again tighter, then up again.

    Also at inside assemblies I used to count ceiling tiles, and make patterns from the large artex circles and squares at the back of the platform (Manchester assembly hall - anyone?)

    At outdoor assemblies I used to squint at the opposite stands and tell myself to look for all the clothes that were blue, or red, and filter out everything else. It made me feel like god looking for holy ones!

  • Gozz

    As an adult: I'll usually have a spare of sth to read; I always sat at the back. I'd make a To Do list for the next day, and for the next week. I'll try to remember things I'd forgotten during the day... and then I'll read bible verses. Many fo the talks were simply numbing repetitions.


  • andy2tanx

    As a kid I used to just look through the bible stories book, after puberty I used to make up ever wilder, erotic fantasies about some of the girls in the congregation, and then I got into designing golf courses in the margins of the books and magazines. I would also wait with baited breath for the sister who was always on the point of hyperventilating to blow her top. You remember her Katie, thick jam jar specs, hairiest husband in the world and several crazy kids, especially one who was a serious trekkie. Mind numbingly boring...

  • mrsjones5

    Stared out the picture windows behind the brother on stage. We had a real nice view of the San Francisco Bay.


  • hamsterbait

    I didn't.

    I died and did not need to be sent to hell.

    Then the song and prayer.

    I am living proof of the thrice weekly earthly resurrection...


  • purplesofa

    I can zone out and go anywhere in the world I want to, to make time pass faster.......

    I drew lots of scribble scrabble all over the WT's,

    I write 1234567890 over and over and over and over and over and over when i am bored.

    service meeting talk about marriage......and being step parents.......multiple marriages.......the sister next to me had been married 5 times......just got married 6th time...........I drew her a trophy.........

    what is that she said......your first prize for most marriages..........we got in trouble for laffin........there was no way to hide it and we could not stop......and the laughter became contagious to others on our row and in front and back of us...........I mean hell,,,,,,,,,,,here we are in our 40's and losing it at the meeting.

    it was fun and some came up and said how laughter was the best medicine.


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