Kinesiology - what is the current stand? (Any elders?)

by ithinkisee 16 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • willyloman

    If you polled a congo of 100 dubs, the answer to your question would be:

    5% strongly opposed because they remember reading something negative about it in the Watchtower.

    20% totally in favor because they know several "friends" who are "doing" it.

    75% undecided: "What's that? I never heard of it."

  • Scully


    But isn't Reiki what the ones who use their hands above a body for healing energy do?

    What Is Reiki?

    Reiki practitioners channel energy in a particular pattern to heal and harmonize. Unlike other healing therapies based on the premise of a human energy field, Reiki seeks to restore order to the body whose vital energy has become unbalanced.

    Reiki energy has several basic effects: it brings about deep relaxation, destroys energy blockages, detoxifies the system, provides new vitality in the form of healing universal life energy, and increases the vibrational frequency of the body.

    The laying of hands is used in Reiki therapy also as in spiritual healing. There is a difference though. In spiritual healing, a person with a strong energy field places his or her hands above a particular part of the recipient's body in order to release energy into it. So, here the healer is the one who is sending out the energy. In Reiki, however, the healer places the hands above the recipient; however, it is the recipient that draws the energy as needed. Thus, in this case, the individual being healed takes an active part in the healing process as opposed to having a passive part in spiritual healing. The individual takes responsibility for his or her healing. The recipient identifies the needs and cater to them by drawing energy as needed.

    Although there are a few positions in which the practitioner is in contact with the patient (such as cradling the head), most Reiki treatments do not involve actual touching. The practitioner holds his or her hands a few inches or farther away from the patient's body and manipulates the energy field from there.

    One of my professers in Nursing School is also a practitioner of what is called Therapeutic Touch. It's somewhat different from Reiki (from her description at least) in that with Reiki, the person receiving the energy from the practitioner draws energy to where they need it. In Therapeutic Touch, the practitioner identifies areas that require positive energy and deliver it, and also identify areas where negative energy are located and attempts to shift the energy pathway and remove the negative energy by replacing it with positive energy. She performed a session to demonstrate how it works. It was really fascinating. I wasn't long out of the JWs when I observed this (maybe 2 years) and I had all these old JW thoughts about demonism going on red alert while I was watching the session.

    Cheers, Scully

  • skyman

    We had several Elders wives that believed and even promoted this. So we decided to write the information desk what we recieved was it is very much not recomended but the Society would not go as far as to so NO. It is nothing more than water witching the same is applied in kinesiology as water witching so we decided if a brother water witched we would look the other way.

  • damselfly

    Nevertheless, is what they do still based on a belief in forces within each human that can be tested or seen only by certain people claiming special powers?As a bodyworker I use a combination of energy techniques in my sessions. Sometimes it's Reiki, sometimes Therapeutic Touch, I do not claim to have 'special powers' nor does anyone I personally know or know of who does bodywork of any kind. This includes; Massage Therapists, Kinesiologists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Nurses who perform therapeutic touch etc. I believe that everyone has the ability to feel/sense the body's energy fields and yes they do exist. This is a great example of the organization with their heads in the sand regarding the "unknown".

  • hamsterbait

    Anything out of the ordinary is viewed with suspicion.

    I remember a talk at the Hell where the speaker insisted that Beethoven was demonized because he had the special power of hearing music in his head, in spite of deafness.

    Having a sensitive bioelectric field round your body may make you more sensitive to the fields of others. Science has not yet the means to measure this.

    And yes, I can still move my cursor with my hand not actually touching the sensor pad.

    They condemned acupuncture for the same reasons.

    At least their lives are easy enough that these are what they spend time worrying about. They should go live in the slums of Calcutta - they'd start asking more realistic questions.


  • nowisee

    sort of reminds me of a sermon i heard by john mcarthur when he said that all feminism is witchcraft and all feminists are witches..

    blanket statements, particularly coming from those who don't know what they are talking about, are imho dangerous and stupid..

  • BluesBrother

    Back in the 90's we had a sister in the congo who was practiser of Kinesiology. She said that the article in the '94 mag had dealt a big blow to her business since many of her patients had been 'sisters' and they had stopped coming. I considered raising the matter with the other elders to see if they were fully aware of her practise, being new to this congo, but I did no do so. I was already getting the vibes that this bunch of elders were not quite what I was used to - and this sister seemed a rational type , so I let the matter rest.

    As far as I know she still does it

    Far more popular in the UK is reflexology and a lot of the 'sisters' I knew used to go to the various 'brothers' who did that. It is just as unexplained and just as useless - IMHO of course

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