Was there something you could not explain on the doors?

by badboy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug
    I told him I would get back with him after I found an answer... I never returned.

    Hey elsewhere...That was my line!

  • 9thWonder

    Much of the books of Daniel and Revelations...anything prophetic. When in the ministry, most times I would knock on the door trim or pretend to ring the doorbells because if I didn't have the OM book right in front of me or if someone asked me a question about something that wasn't in the Watchtower or Awake that I was placing or the sermon I had rehearsed, I would choke. I really was no help to anyone anyway.

  • badboy


  • Phil

    Do we know how much the governing body gets?

  • badboy

    Did someone actually ask that on the doors?

  • Mr. Blue
    Mr. Blue

    One time when I was 11 or 12 years old, I was going door-to-door alone when a really friendly guy invited me in and started asking me all kinds of questions and then to prove what I said from the Bible. Then, he whipped out his Bible and began tearing me to shreads. Turns out he was the minister of a local church. It took me quite awhile to recover from that.

  • Cordelia

    i used to actually WANT people to ask me questions loved explaining phropecies etc (how sads that!)

    except one time a study id started asked me about why a woman had to cut her sons foreskins off on a journey or they would have died (i had to look that one up!) think it was moses or one of those guys. im quite pleased i cant remember the answer (in fact be worried if i could!)

    sometimes tho even when explaining things they sounded far fetched even to me, like birthdays etc.

  • upside/down

    The whole 144,000 "schtik"

    The...How come the "God" of the old testament kicked ass and the "God" of the NT kissed ass...?

    So JW's are the only ones that are gonna be in "the pair a dice"?


    If "God" is "love" how can He...?

    u/d (of the actually took his ministry serious class)

  • Phil

    Has anyone ever asked "what does the Watchtower have that would entice me to their way or interpretation of the Bible over other religions.

  • DannyBloem

    the theory of relativity Oh, that would be a easy one. Somebody wanted to study the Revelation book with me. I did, but of course I could hardly explain all those things in it, to a very sincere and intelligent person. Danny

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