Was there something you could not explain on the doors?

by badboy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Netty

    All the years I went out on field service, nobody every asked me a question. I probably could not have explained alot of stuff, but nobody ever asked. I only placed a set of magazines a few times in my life too.

  • trevor

    Crumpet - Seems like you were a very naughty girl. People could have easily been stumbled. At least you blushed which showed repentance.

    By the way (Other thread) - Buttered Crumpet convalescence home sounds great to me!

  • Satanus

    I could explain most everything, although some things were difficult. Things like jesus being a god, but there still only being one god. Or the 7 times, jesus ruling somehow since 1914. How iv blood was the same as eating it. I think it was all memorised, while deep down, it rang hollow. I think that hollow echo as i went through it was what made it difficult.


  • Honesty
    Was there something you could not explain on the doors?

    I could explain everything because I had "Reasoning From The Scriptures" in my book bag.

    If you had asked, " Was there something you could not explain truthfully on the doors?" my answer would have been:

    Yes, because very little of the WT fluff is truthful.

  • Buster

    Like Netty, I never got a question at the doors. Sure I had my 'Reasoning book' ready, usually.

    But I think most people fall into one of two categories:

    1. Don't care what dubbies have to tell them about god and religion

    2. Feel sorry that dubbies are so unreachable by even the simplest logic.

  • claytoncapeletti

    I used to love talking about the trinity. At the age of 12 I could spin the Borg Trinity Dogma and make it sound pretty damn good. People accepted a lot of literature from me but I always failed to get bible studies. The only studies’ I started were with old people who were lonely and like the company. It's probably why I turned out doing pretty well in sales. There is nothing harder to sell than a crazy cult religion.


    "Brothers don't shake hands, brothers got to hug"

  • mkr32208

    "How did you get so sexy?"

    "Well I keep eating my veggies..."

  • greendawn

    Unlike Netty and Buster I came across quite a few people that liked arguing and posed tough questions and in fact from some of these I got some idea that the WTS was not as it seemed eg why the WTS despite its billions does so poorly in charity work, serving god on the basis of fear (Armadeddon) is totally pointless and counterproductive, how do the jWs find their supposed continuation between theselves and the apostolic church?

  • Phil

    I had a couple of ladies come to my front door and we started to discuss "the TRUTH". I asked the lead lady the following:

    What is your definition of a lie?

    Her response was an "untruth".

    With that I said what If I were to explain a situation with the truth except I would leave out certain parts out of the verbage that would lead you to believe the opposite to what had actually happened, what would you say that was? (JWs use this technique frequently)

    Both ladies left without further adieu. Furthermore, the "helper" person said with a smile- "He got you that time". I loaned her the CofC book and I never saw her again. She probably burned the book as a product of Satan.

    I found out that you never discuss the Bible or Bible related subjects with the JWs. the solution is to ask comon sense questions only. They are brainwashed to coinside with their "AWAKE" teachings not common sense. "BELIEFS" are seldom related to common sense.

    Persons that are converted to JWism have experienced a trauma in their lives, breakup with a spouse or boyfriend, abuse in the family, etc.

  • kazar

    Once a bible study asked me why are all Jehovah's Witnesses poor? I didn't have an answer. I mumbled something like "they are not intersted in money, not believing a word I said. It started me thinking about it. Of course at the time I didn't know about those in the governing body. All the Witnesses I knew could hardly make ends meet. I was so naive.

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