Next get together in Toronto!!! :-)

by peterstride 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    I'm available Aug. 18-19. In fact, it's the only weekend this month that I will be in TO.

  • Defender

    Hi Peter,

    There is a chance I might be in TO around that time.

  • Naeblis

    I will perhaps come if there is suitable interest in my arrival. I shall require a silk scarf, two pints of beer an hour, and a leather iguana. That is all.

  • peterstride

    Hi all,

    Defender: I didn't know you were near Toronto...where do you live? (You can e-mail me privately)

    Commie Chris: It will be ggggreat seeing you (still working out?)!!!

    Had Enough: Rats from me too! :-( Sorry you can't make it for that weekend...for sure next time!

    Sir Naeblis: You must be an opera singer requiring a silk scarf and a leather iguana! LOL Seriously though, what part of the continent are you in?

    Repetition for emphasis (where did I learn that, hmmmm!):
    Our next get together will be in Toronto, Saturday, August 18 (and possibly 19th), 2001!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    Well, I can provide a silk scarf and some beer, but I'll have to dig around for that leather iguana. I know I had one somewhere...

    Can't wait to meet all of you.

    I don't have any requirements other than I want some really great food and I know that shouldn't be a problem in Toronto. I'm a food writer and I love all kinds of food, am not picky, but let's stay away from any chain restaurants, ok?
    WEll, as long as they serve beer at a reasonable price, right Naeblis?


    "Too much of a good thing, is wonderful."

    Mae West

  • Naeblis

    Beer is the blood that runs in the god's veins. I consume it and become holy. I live in Hamilton. A quaint city made of steel but smelling of corpses. I love you all. Let's drink.

  • peterstride

    Hi Naeblis,

    I'll need your e-mail address so that when the time comes, I can give you the actual location of where we'll meet on the 18th!

    Hamilton isn't so far from downtown Toronto...only around 23 hours...if you're biking! :D

    Hope to C U soon,

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • peterstride

    The above should read "Only around 3 hours...if you're biking!", not 23.


  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    Angel: you're a food writer!? That would be a dream job for me. Food is my first love, after my kids. I once seriously considered dropping out of law school to be a chef. Isn't it difficult being a food writer in a small town?

  • ozziepost

    Hope you guys have a great get-together. Anyone like to donate an air ticket to the 'ozziepost corruption fund'? !

    Peter, you need to add the brackets, old son, like this [ ] OK?


    "There are two ways of moving men, interest and fear" Napoleon

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