Learning surprising things about the jws

by greendawn 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • greendawn

    After you left the jws and entered your post WTS era what sort of things did you learn about them that you found surprising?

    There are some recent jws that haven't even heard of Russell or even Rutherford let alone of their objectionable conduct especially that of Rutherford. Or they don't know anything about Malawi and Mexico, the Ray Franz incident and the witchhunt of the early 80's, or the organ transplant ban.

  • TooOpinionated

    I didn't know anything about the U.N., Mexico/Malawi, Rand Cam, Beth Sarim, the new ideas about blood factions-heck, I was just wide-eyed and stunned when I first began reading here. It took me only a few weeks to realize that I wasn't the failure, but the WTBS.

  • TooOpinionated

    I had never heard of Ray Franz, either, so I ordered his books immediately. That was the absolute end for both my husband and I. The deprogramming was complete.

  • Quentin

    Knew about Beth Sarim, and that other house in California...Rutherford's drinking...his body guards...his iron fist rule...all from old timers who didn't seem to be in awe of the WTBTS, at least to me they didn't...especially if of the annointed. How things were handled in Mexico was related by Spanish brothers, appeared to be common knowledge among Latino's. But it was Franz's COC book that brought it all togather and set everything in perspective.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    anything TRUE about their history... anything REAL about the society which i thought was so perfect

    bethel minute

  • Whiskeyjack

    I knew practically nothing before I started lurking on this site (a little embarassing for a supposed history buff) about my old organization. I still plan to share a few "gems" with my old man one day soon.


  • LouBelle

    oh my there is so much that I didn't know about & so much I'm still finding out about.

    Didn't know about Beth Sarim or that they actually believed that the patriachs were going to be resurrected. Malawi/Mexico was a shocker. Didn't know much about the procedures @ headquarters. Didn't know that there was SO much info exposing the witnesses but when I started looking - WOW. Didn't know the real reason behind them making literature "donations only". Didn't know they used pyramids to prophesy or that they consulted something at bethel for answers. Didn't know that Rutherford backed a booked autowritten (is this the word???) by a demon that wanted Jahs' favour again...........

    Should I keep going.

    in u/d tradition

    from the " I didn't know I was so deceived " class

  • luna2

    I knew very little about either C.T. Russell or "Judge" Rutherford. I found both of their histories disturbing.

    I knew nothing about Malawi/Mexico.

    I knew a little bit about the UN thing, but didn't really understand what it meant until I saw more information both here and at other sites. Cavorting with the wild beast anyone? Good going, FDS!

    I hadn't watched the program on pedophiles within the organization...figured it was an isolated thing. Now I know better.

    I didn't know about Ray Franz or about his books exposing what goes on at Bethel.

    I was pretty blind and pretty brainwashed. Even after several years of inactivity, it took a real effort of will to start researching. I'm still stunned at how I fell for all of this. That's almost the worst part...that I'm not the person I thought I was.

  • garybuss

    I didn't know anything real about the Watch Tower Society's history at all. I had accepted teachings ABOUT their history but I had never been honestly told of their history by them.
    I had a LOT of catching up to do.

  • iggy_the_fish

    I didn't realise how actively and deliberately dishonest many sections of the publications were. In my opinion, to lie to or mislead someone who trusts you is practically unforgivable. Specifically: the trinity booklet, How Did Life Get Here, that pack of lies that was that booklet on the orgs history (forget the name), anything on chronology and the weasely retractions over 1975 and This Generation, passing the blame onto the r&f.

    ig (all cross and grumpy now)

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