Learning surprising things about the jws

by greendawn 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • zagor

    I didn't know Rutherford was such a big laydees' man (oh shoot did I spell it wrong)

  • jimakazi

    Just thow great the different was in doctrine between the early days and now.

    Blood fractions.

    1934 German yearbook

    The sodomites blink light - for them I hope armagedon comes where the faithful and discrete slave have got them getting a resurection. Actually I don't believe it will come.

  • zulukai

    When I first studied with the dubs I was never told about all the whacko stuff that happened in the early days of the religion. Over time a few things would leak out and someone would dismiss it all as old news and say "the light keeps getting brighter all the time", and we don't think about the early days much etc. etc. You've all heard the spin. I left 30 years ago terribly disallusioned and badly treated which was proof enough for me that this religion was a hoax. But I have to tell you this web site has been the single most informative thing I have ever read. I knew NOTHING about the Mexico-Malawi thing or the changes in the blood doctine and I have sat here many atime with my jaw in my lap. I did get C of C where a lot of the shocking info came from and reading it was gut wrenching too. When it's all laid out like this on an active web site with so many links to other informative sites HOW can anyone NOT learn the real Truth about that sinister con. THANK YOU to all the researchers on here!! Everytime I log on I learn something. I never fail to be amazed at the courage of the many who struggle with knowing they were right to leave, and yet are treated as dead by their dub families. Can't thank you enough for letting us know how you do it.

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