I Saw Dubs.... In 80+ Degrees at 11:00 AM Today In Full Uniform

by HappyDad 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kaput

    "but God chose the foolish things of the world"

    Guess he wasn't kiddin'.

  • Been there
    Been there

    I feel sorry for the kids.

    I remember being a little kid and going out in service and getting so sick and such bad headaches from the sun. I hated it. Hours seemed like days. Thank God I didn't have to go out on Sundays too like my cousins did.

  • Panda

    I remember visiting a cong in Florida. The sisters did not wear pantyhose!!! Not until I moved to Texas did I realise the reasoning behind that , oh and taking the shoulder pads out of clothing... the heat and humidity were awful.

  • Mary

    My sister was crazy enough to go out in Service last Saturday too when it was so frigging hot you could roast marshmallows on the sidewalk. She felt sick when they got home and still felt sick the next day........I asked why she was crazy enough to be outside for over 2 hours when the weatherman specifically said that anyone with breathing problems should stay INDOORS!!! She figures that she's expected to do it no matter what...........

  • blondie

    In Florida, the JWs I knew did not go out in the noon day sun. They 'started their time' by talking to people at bus stops and on the street on the way to work. By the time 10 came, they had Bible students or return visits who would invite them in where they stayed another hour or two. Either than or calling on older ladies working out of their AC vehicle. They were quite inventive in finding ways to avoid the heat and sun besides not wearing pantyhose, wearing sandals, and cool cotton loose outfits. The men did not wear suitcoats but short sleeve cotton shirts (now if someone in FL says different, remember I haven't been to every congregation in FL)

    Somehow when you get to colder climes like the Midwest or Northeast where the warm weather is lucky to last 3 months out of the year, they seem to think they have to kill themselves.

    I've been in southern California and NM and Texas and seen JWs consider the weather. When it is every day for many days they have to wise up eventually.


  • Beachbender

    Being a JW in Florida during the 70`s, Blondie`s correct we did wear light cotton materials, and brothers were allowed not to wear their jackets as long as their shirts and ties were presentable. Sandals were allowed for girls and the sisters. Of course the weather has changed alot here since then, if it`s possible, the summers are alot hotter now!! Thank goodness I no longer have that worry! (dressing-up unless I want to).

    I remember going to district assemblies in Atlanta and the heat being sooooo unbearble during the summers there too. I was young but I recall some older girls and some of the teenage girls wearing halter-dresses at this time,and thinking, WoW!!! that is cool! After that I made my own sun-dresses, and halter-dresses!!!!

  • delilah

    i saw a sister with her young son outside a market, it was blistering hot, she was wearing a cool sundress and the young boy was dressed in full suit attire...i was sickened...he was wiping his brow and was visibly upset to be outside like that...made me ever so thankful that I don't put my kids thru that anymore...even when we went, when it was that hot, my boys got to wear a short sleeved shirt and cotton pants...they still looked nice, but they weren't sweltering in the heat. That's just craziness...


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