Whats your input to the explanation of 2 Cor. 12:2-4

by skyman 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • zagor

    I was wondering about the same thing long ago. WTBS explained on several occasions that Apostle Paul saw "Spiritual paradise of Christian congregation" meaning apparently a "spiritual paradise" JW live in today.

    To add: Yes and they also think that Paul was talking about himself

  • shera

    Sounds a bit like mormon babble....sorry if there is anyone here who are mormons.

  • schne_belly

    Oh man.. does that bring back memories....

    2 Cor 12:2-4 was the WT discussion(meeting) not too long ago. At the time, I was still attending.

    I raised my hand and said:

    IF Paul was in a "spiritual paradise", why is it that he needed to have a "vision"? Wouldn't he just have to look around? So the first century congregation was not in paradise, just like we are not today.

    The KH was silent.......

  • heathen

    LMAO@schne_belly - I'd give anything to have seen the looks on their faces ......

    Malik --- I consider some of those passages you mentioned forgery . Just the way the apostle Paul says that the ruling powers only use the sword for good , it just doesn't make sense that since they were hated and persecuted by the ruling powers that he should say that .

  • JosephMalik

    Just the way the apostle Paul says that the ruling powers only use the sword for good.


    Learn to read a bit more carefully before jumping to such conclusions. It was only in regard to wrongdoing and in regard to the ones resisting the ruling powers that Paul cautions the faithful. That not all ruling powers use the sword for good is a known fact. But it is also true that other ruling powers have the authority to step in and punish such abusive ruling powers and this is still the case in our day.

  • Leolaia

    See my two posts in the following thread for more info on what the terms "third heaven" and "paradise" meant at the time:


  • peacefulpete

    Thanks for the additional inpute Leolaia.

  • greendawn

    I think the third heaven or paradise represent a spiritual mental state of greatly expanded awareness intensity and power.

  • heathen

    I believe that God allows the governments to exist not that he approves of their politics . In fact jesus condemned people for their involvement with the world , which includes the government . Satan is in fact the one attributed to pulling the strings of manmade government . As I said before, the roman empire which dominated the world scene is considered to be one of the most barbaric governments to ever do so and they enjoyed watching christians being fed to the lions or crusified . There could have been no good coming out of that .

    Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

    For one thing they had to resist the power in order to congregate and worship because they were outlawed .They did not receive praise for anything they did but condemnation . Just the way this whole thing is worded just does not fit the sceme of christianity . Sure be peaceable but to acknowlege the tyrant governments as being something good ? I don't think so .

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