by dontnowat2believe 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hellrider

    I know Pete, I felt like a freak my whole life. Even since my first years of school, around the third grade the others in my class would stop inviting me to their birthdays, because I wouldn`t come anyway. Not that the birthday and christmas-thing was such a big deal to me (funny how people always thinks that, the birthday and christmas-thing is just peanuts to the overall psychological damage), but it was just symptomatic of what my whole life was going to be.

    Yeah, I to take great pleasure in knowing that on their death-beds, they will all have to ask themselves the question: "Did I waste my life on a lie?" (smiles and laughs like mr.Burns)

  • potleg

    Sure it's a fear tactic and totally messed up. The witnesses believe that God is the most loving entity in the universe so how could he do such a wicked thing? He won't. The trouble is the JWs have invented this whole Armageddon/Paradise thing which leads to all kinds of stupid scenarios that they can't answer without making God sound evil. I've long believed that once you strip away all the lovely pictures of butterflies and happy fruit pickers the witness message is revolting. Think about it, the devil as portrayed in the bible hasn't done anything as bad as the JWs would have you believe God is going to do soon.

  • LouBelle

    Hi there Dontknowat2do. Welcome to the board. Children are so innocent - unfortunately the JWs' still believe that God will hold them accountable - how can he??? That wouldn't be showing love now would it.

    The rage & bitterness you feel is so similar to how I've been feeling lately. I've just been disassociated by the elders & my family have started to shun me. Already lies are spreading about me.

    AMERGEDON IS NEVER GOING TO COME.....They totally totally minsunderstood what was being said.

    In the tradition of u/d.....from the ""I survived 1975"" class

  • dontnowat2believe

    Thats the issuse right there that they promote the innocence of children, but do nothing to protect them they go even further that that and allow them to be damaged and abused. I know as a child that the elders could of stop what was oing on in my house but chose not to, they even agreed it was the right thing to do. How people who claim to love the 'god of love' would think that this is in anyway right are irresponsible, and putting ofther children in harms way. They cant manage to look after the most vulnerable people in the community its seems like only those with a popular standing or are in the top the social circles of the religon are the ones who get the most help. What a backward religon !


  • ibfaces03

    If a witness in not good enough (as you said) and their children are being obedient to them, it doesnt mean that they have to pay for their parents faults. If anything the kids are beings misled and their parents will have to face the consequences in judgement day, but the kids will have the chance to live again because the only thing they thought was right was to be obedient to their parents not knowing if it was right or wrong.

  • Hellrider

    Ibfaces wrote: "If a witness in not good enough (as you said) and their children are being obedient to them, it doesnt mean that they have to pay for their parents faults. If anything the kids are beings misled and their parents will have to face the consequences in judgement day, but the kids will have the chance to live again because the only thing they thought was right was to be obedient to their parents not knowing if it was right or wrong."

    Where have you heard this? I assume you are a practising JW, from this post. This is DEFINITELY not what we used to learn when I grew up in JW, in the late seventies and eighties. Is this a new WT-teaching? If so, I would like to know which WT or Awake this is written in. The logical consequenses of this would be that...all children on the earth would survive Armageddon? - wouldn`t it? The children og non-JWs would not be responsible for their parents reluctance to becoming JWs, would they? Or are you saying that only the children of parents that are JWs (living in accordance with the teachings, or NOT living in accordance with the teachings) shall survive Armageddon? And if so, is that any better/more moral? I sure think you should go talk to the elders of your congregation and ask them about this, cause it sure isn`t what I used to be told back in the days!

  • Hellrider

    Oh, by the way;

    "All adults and older children who fail to accept the message of the Jehovah's Witnesses after 1918, and all babies and small children who might die at Armageddon because of their parents' rejection, will have no hope of resurrection" {CONS May 6 1936 508, WT 1938 133/313-4/326-7/376, WT 1939 170}

    (This was the first time this was said as clearly as this, and the doctrine still stands)

  • mkr32208

    I think I would have smiled politly nodded softly then punched him so hard his f^&%#ing head went through the window pane!

    You should also have said (after he regained conciousness) Thats ok when your kids need help getting through college and you can't help them because your broke and homeless from a life peddeling bull$hit magazines while working as a janitor I'll be there to help THEM... Then punch him again!

    God, no good cultist sacks of $hit!

    No your kids arent' going to die at armegedon cause armegedon isnt' coming!

  • Dan-O

    "And how can they justify this, you cant make children responsible for thier perants actions."

    Simple: it's a guilt tactic. I can't count the number of times my father or my uncle have said "When your children die at Armageddon, their blood will be on your hands. You should start coming to meetings again."

    What a load of crap.

  • greendawn

    There is no way that the God of love and mercy would permanently destroy children at Armageddon, as they never had the chance to choose responsibly what they want.

    It looks as though the jws are annoyed by the fact that if children were allowed to grow up so as to choose responsibly that would postpone the end that they so eagerly want to be imminent.

    It's an impatient selfish motive just as they say that billions of adults not reachable by the jw preaching due to their government's policies will perish for ever and those governments will be blamed.

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